"Sorry for the intrusion"

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Oikawa's Pov:

Today actually went by faster than I thought it would. I had to call Tobio-Chan for some money but other then that everything went well.

When I got back to my dorm I noticed that Tobio wasn't there so I made a sandwich and headed to my room with my laptop. My English professor assigned an essay that was due by Monday, it was about how Japan was first civilized. I started at 4:28 and I got most of my research done and wrote out a plan for my paper at about 6:03.

I was worried about Tobio since it was late out and I haven't heard anything from him so I looked throughout the house and found no one. 'I bet he's with bean pole but I could always double check' I slipped my shoes on and walked down the corridor to room 155, which was Iwa-chans and blondies.

I knocked on the door a couple of times before deciding that he's probably ignoring me. I opened the door and see Iwaizumi under bean pole, both of their shirts were off and hair was messy. I'm pretty sure my face momentarily dropped as I felt tears in my eyes before I see some milk bread in his kitchen, "H-how rude of you, Iwa-Chan! You k-know I love milk bread!" I said trying to sound unbothered, "What do you want." Blondie spat out, maybe he doesn't know I'm roommates with Kageyama, "Sorry for the intrusion.." I said while closing the door.

I started to cry as I walked back, I know me and Iwaizumi wasn't a thing but I still really liked him, maybe even loved him. As I reached my room I had calmed down and actually started to think. That guy should know I was roommates with Tobio-chan, because blondie made that asshole remark about his mom. Dread settles at the bottom of my stomach, how will Tobio take this? His actual boyfriend was cheating on him. I don't think I'll be able to look or talk to him without telling him about what happened.
Kageyama's Pov 😀👊🏻

Today was pretty bad, I had a test today in math class, which I forgot about, and failed, Oikawa called me for my lunch money, so no lunch.

But Hinata called me and asked if I wanted to go to that new cafe that opened down from his dorm, I told him I had no money but he said he would pay, what an angel he is.

Me and Hinata caught up, he was talking about Kenma and Kuroo and how they all got promise rings, it sounded really cute, I wonder if Kei would like that.

The more Hinata talked about his relationship the more mine sounded worse. They go out on dates all the time and are on the phone 24/7, me and Kei only talk at lunch and in the hallway onto our dorms, but sometimes he's with his friends at lunch so we don't get to talk, I asked him one time if I could hang out with them but he said, 'well they aren't really interested in talking to you', and since I didn't want to burden them I left them alone.

I think Hinata noticed I was feeling a little uncomfortable and asked me how Kei and I was doing, I told him we are doing great but the school work is stressing Tsuki out. "So looks like Mr.SmartyPants met his match" Hinata joked, I giggled "Dont talk about Kei that way, Boke!", he put up his hands and fake surrendered, looks like the wild beast had became more tame of the years.

After a while he told me about Suga-Senpais and Oikawa's plan to get all of us together, it sounded fun being as I hardly have the time or motivation to make friends or even have a full conversation.

At 6:18 we bid each other goodbye and went our separate ways. "I'm thankful Hinata's okay after Atsumu, I'd thought that he'd never try relationships after that..", don't get me wrong I'm happy for my best friend but I'm so jealous. They do normal couple things while Kei hardly remembers to get me a valentines gift, even more my birthday. What an ugly thought to have, am I right?

In no time I'm at my dorm room, I wiggle the door knob expecting it to be locked as Oikawas actually really scared to leave it unlocked for any reason, but to my surprise the door slowly creaks open. "So the grand king had finally overcame his fears, what a truly brave soul" I say, waiting for Oikawas fake pout and a, "Tobio-Chan! You know that leaving your door unlocked is very dangerous, I just didn't want
my precious kohai to get locked out!" But no such thing was heard. It was just eerily silent.

I closed and locked the door, take off my shoes and hang my coat on the coat rack. I walk into Oikawas room to see him laying on his bed, his comforter barely on him, and the moonlight highlighting his features. He looked beautiful to say the least. I walk over to his bed, pulled his blanket up his frame and turned off his lamp so he could sleep peacefully. I smiled and whisper, "Goodnight, Tooru, have a nive dream for me"

I quietly ran to my room, texted Kei about the get together, and started to chat with Hinata.

A quick lil Oikawa pov for the soul 🤲✨:

I finished the introduction to my essay, with everything going on it's the most I can do. I decided to take a quick break and shut my eyes. I lay down as I hear Tobio opened the door, I was going to tell him I made him dinner but I honestly couldn't find the strength to do so. I heard him say, "So the grand king had finally overcame his fears, what a truly brave soul", I wanted to protest this but yet again I couldn't open my eyes.

I hear him shuffle to my room, I squint my eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice I'm faking it. He stands there for a moment staring at me before he walks over to me and pulls my comforter up, "Goodnight, Tooru, have a nice dream for me", I could see a warm and true smile, if I was trying to be caught I'd hug him and shower him in praises, but much to my dismay I couldn't.

He quietly ran out my room and shut my door. I immediately get up and clench my heart.

'What did I do to deserve such a cute and precious kohai'

1127 words ‼️👊🏻

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