"Bye, Kei..."

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Kageyamas Pov 😼:

Even though today was a Saturday, we were meeting up at Sugawara-Senpai and Dachi-Senpai's house so we didn't stay up to late last night.

We ate, took our showers, packed a bag with some essential stuff, and texted them.

Soon we made it to 'Ko-Chan and Zaddy Daichi's house', how immature, Oikawa-San.

~An hour after they arrived~

"Alright! We are doing a head count so everyone in the living room!", Dachi yelled, he went through the names on the list:
Hinata: ⭕️

"Oikawa where is Iwa?" Daichi asked, Oikawa tensed and looked away. "Uh, he's sick..", Kei glared at Oikawa before focusing his attention on something else.

I was going to make a snarky comment but I looked at Hinata, Kenma, Kuroo, and Hinata looked so...weird. They were all hugging on each other, and I'm pretty sure Kenma kissed Sho's cheek.

"Don't you have to ask to do that?", I asked with my head tilted and my finger on my chin, Kei looked at me, "Ask for what?" Hinata sat up, "Like..come here boke..," the orange hair boy got up and shuffled over to me, "Kei says that your not supposed to show any type of affection in public, don't they get mad?" I whispered in his ear, he looked at me with a confused expression, "What does that mean?" He sat in front of me crisscross with his head tilted, "I-I don't know!" I said to him, something went off inside him and he intertwined our fingers, "Don't worry bout Salt!" He said with a smile. I smiled back, "Yeah, yeah, boke."

After he let go of my hands he patted my head and walked over to Kuroo and sat on his lap. Everyone around us had their hand over their heart and was wearing a weird expression. Kuroo's being the most noticeable, "My boyfriend is an angel" he said as he kissed Hinata's neck. However Kei didn't look pleased, he scoffed and slapped my hand rather hard.

When everyone got settled we decided to play truth or dare, what a nice way to unleash chaotic energy.

~Round 1~

Oikawa went first, "Alrighty! Ko-Chan!~ Truth or dare!", "I know how you are, Tooru, so truth!", "What's the most relatable thing you've heard Megan Thee Stallion say?", Suga stares at Oikawa for a while before speaking up, "When I ride the dick imma spell my name"

I swear by the end of this sentence the whole group exploded. Daichi was shutting down , Oikawa was laughing and praising Suga, Tanaka and Hinata looked traumatized, Kuroo was at lost for words, and Kei was disappointed.

I didn't know how to respond so I say a quiet, "Suga don't be cappin though", and by my god Hinata yells, "SUCH LEWD THINGS YOU'D  AGREE TOO, BAKAYAMA!", "What do you mean, Boke" I pull my hoodie over my head, "Oh my lord, you just said, "Suga don't be cappin though""


"Who knew Kageyama was such a bottom," I'm pretty sure that was Kenma, "I know your not talking kitten, Lev told us what you said to Kuroo in the locker rooms. The only person you could top is Hinata, and he is the universal bottom", "I-", I poke my head out to see Kuroo smirking and Kenma beet red, "whatever", I whisper to myself, "Vic-to-ryy"

~Round 2~

Suga-Senpai asked me to tell them the most embarrassing thing I've learned, "Actually I might I have to show you" I got up and motioned for Kenma, he looked at me for a minute before realizing what I wanted.

He got up with his phone and started the song. After that we sat down, both of us a blushing mess. Of course the others teased us but Oikawa manly teased me, and Kei still had a stoic expression.

(linked a video for you, lovelies❤️)

~Round 3~

"Alright Kageyama, your turn," Sugawara said, "Hinata, Truth or dare?" I said, "hmm, truth!" He squealed as he bounced around in Kuroo's lap. "If I killed someone in front of you..would you go to the authorities?", "Who was it?" He asked in a serious tone, "Salt", Hinata stayed quiet for a moment.

"I'll never snitch on daddy" he said, I blew him a kiss, "Anything for you, babe" we both giggled. Everyone looked surprised except for our team, we've acted like this a lot of times. I don't think Kenma and Kuroo took it as a joke. They were both kissing and biting his neck. I smirked at them, "Universal bottom, sweethearts~ Watch yo mans", Hinata yelped, so I'm guessing Kenma bit  harder, I wonder why they reacted like that, Kei would never display such things for anyone to see.

"Now, now" Oikawa got up and pulled me out of the bean bag I was in. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and held my chin up, "Does this look like daddy material?", this time I heard Kei get up and smack Oikawa away, "Get your mitts off my property.." Tsuki said In a low tone. I really liked when he talked like that, a soft blush crept onto my face. "Tch, he's my kouhai, at least I treasure him more than you, asshat", Oikawa says as he returns to his seat. Tanaka was yelling at Tsuki and Ennoshita was trying to calm him down.

"Now that I think about it Yamaguchi and Terushima have been gone for a while" I said, as I grabbed Kei's hand and told him to sit down, "They've been gone for a while, are they okay?", Hinata nods, "In scary movies the couple that isn't with the group usually dies first, we should probably go get them!", "No, Boke! They are upstairs in the bedroom! They need to rest!" I tell him, he then nods again. "Oh. Oh no." Suga said while looking at Tanaka and Kuroo, who had smirks on their faces, "You tell them and I'll slit your throats, keep your mouths shut you boars", their faces fell and both went to their boyfriends for comfort, " Suga is no angel" They say in unison. "Tell them what, Suga-Senapi" Me and Hinata then ask, "What is there to know?", Suga looked at Daichi, "Uh, They needed to uh" Daichi looked around, "They played volleyball all night long so they are pretty tired" Daichi told us. Me and Hinata both clenched our fist, "Damn it, Yamaguchi! You sly bastard! Trying out best me!" I yelled, "Looks like friggin Saltyshima rubbed off on you, to hell with both of you", I said as I claimed my seat beside of Kei. Hinata was still bickering and saying something about all of us playing but it was dark out so Suga and Daichi said no.

~Round 4~

"Tsukiiiii," Bokuto sang, "Truth or dareee!", "Tsk, I'm not playing you human owl" Tsukishima growled, "Leave me the hell alone,", Tsuki shifted in his seat, slowly inching away from me.

"Are you jealous about Oikawa touching your 'property'?" Kuroo teased, "Kuroo-San, please don't pick a fight with Kei," Akaashi said, Tsukishima nodded at Akaashi and mouthed a small 'thank you' and sent Kuroo a glare. Kuroo fake surrendered and returned to cuddling Hinata and Kenma.

Another 'Tsk' left Kei's mouth, "I'm leaving this bogus party, Kageyama don't go whoring around", he got up and left as he thanked Suga and Daichi for inviting him.

"Bye, Kei.."

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