His Side Or My Own | Part 2

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"What did he say?" Suddenly Rollo and Ragnar watched each other hateful and I narrowed my eyes while furrowing my eyebrows. "What did he say?"

"He will make no compromises, no deals. He say you must name your price for the land."

"Or?" Borg asked in annoyance.

"He didn't say 'or'...


Floki secretly felt a little awkward and watched the Jarl like he was stupid, meanwhile, slowly, reaching out to grab a piece of bread.

"It seems your mission has been entirely wasted, Ragnar Lothbrok. You and your men must leave here in the morning. Unless you want to repudiate King Horik, renounce your allegiance to him?" Ragnar still hadn't left his brother out of sight and leaned on his folded hands while staring at him. Afterwards, finally switching his eyes to the woman across the table. "I see. Very well."

Borg rose to his feet, pushing his chair back with his leg before taking his leaving. 

"Good. War." Floki added and finished his food while the two brothers again, surveyed each other with Rollo being the one to look away towards me while I shrugged at him with concern.


I had agreed with joining Ragnar to leave in the morning and so we did. I wasn't given the time to say goodbye to Rollo who seemed to have stayed and the action fed my concern and confusion as we had took off with our horses. It grew even bigger when we prepared for the upcoming war between King Horik and Jarl Borg and Rollo hadn't followed us, but was wandering somewhere else instead. A few days had past and here we were my side between the two mountains and his side on the hill before us. Did Rollo regret the decision? Would he change his mind before we had to enter this carnage? Why did he betray us? Questions filled my mind as our warriors watched Borg's warrior and the other way around.

I could, even from this far away, feel the gaze of Rollo on me and I switched my attention to Ragnar who seemed sad about the war and the fight he had to begin against his brother which I understood. While setting up our camp quickly, Arne and I had been given the task to talk to Jarl Borg and Rollo to maybe change their minds so this brother war would come to an end, even though I didn't have that much faith in the solution we came up with. Jumping on my black horse which matched with my black hair, I followed Arne onto the enemies territory and after a short time, we spotted Rollo and Borg making themselves ready, theirs bare chests visible to us.

"RIDERS APPROACHING!!" I could hear a guard scream from the top of his lungs and I nodded at Arne to keep going.

"What is it you want?"

"I'm here on behalf of Ragnar Lothbrok." Rollo regretfully stared into my eyes and it felt like he could change his mind in a second just to not have to fight me and hurt me while meanwhile Arne continued. "I want to speak to his brother."

"Then speak."

"Rollo! You and I fought together many times. I don't suppose you've forgotten. I think of you as a brother. But over there is your real brother, your own flesh and blood. Are you sure you want to raise your ax against him?"

"Did Ragnar send you?" He questioned Arne while watching him in disbelief and rage was possible seeing in his eyes too as Arne lowered his head, signing we came on our own and Rollo turned his back to us.

"What answer shall I give him?" Arne again tried to pull him back to our side.

"Tell him I shall answer him with blood." The horse of Arne had already turned around and left off back to Ragnar while I refused to go. Sliding off of my horse, I pulled him with me towards Rollo who was choosing his weapon, not even noticing I was still there and the Jarl followed my movements carefully like I was his prey.

"Rollo?" He immediately turned around and watched me with the desperate look he gave me before when I arrived in their camp with Arne a short time ago. I had took a step closer to him and closed the gap between him and I, but he hadn't done anything to pull me closer or push me away, he just stood there, glaring at me with an emotionless face expression. "Don't tell me this is you... Don't tell me you want me or your brother dead by your ax. I know it isn't fair, but please, you will have more, you don't need to be like your brother."

"I won't have you." He glanced at me up and down and clenched his jaw. "I have to do this... so you better not be in that bloodbath because I won't hold back. Now leave!" A tear ran down my cheek as I pressed my lips together and pushed myself out of his personal space, climbing onto my horse, I kicked with my heels into my horses rib cage and off I went, away from the man who I had such a good bond with and I secretly loved while being forced to keep my distance from him because of his marriage with Siggy. Arriving back at my camp, silently crying, I acted like nothing was wrong with me and nodded at Ragnar to confirm the news Arne probably had given him when I was back at Jarl Borg's army. It was War.

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