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The surroundings you see, the fronts and backs and ups and downs and you and them and everyone and everything is a being. The Being means LIFE. The god has given life to each and every person in this world. I don't know how your life is. Every person's life is full of different experiences that even can be best or worst. You and others whoever is reading this is already thinking that other's lives except their's is best because they can do this, they can do that. Right?

But, actually no. We all have a different life, we all are the same but our lives are different with different happiness and sadness. But at the end of the day we all need to take a deep breathe and think that we all are doing good in our lives. Whatever it is, it is a gift from god and you can't change it anyway. Accept it whatever it is. Because when you start loving yourself and your life, you be the most happiest person ever. Try to find little happiness in everything.

Your life is never decided on whether you are poor or middle class or rich. Even the poor people experience the happiness that not even the rich can. And also rich people experience the sadness that not even a poor can. So, it does not depend upon the standards you own. It depends upon you and your life. Find your happiness in little things, as you all know life is sometimes a problem but with it's solutions attached. We all own our own life. Be happy for small and big things in your life.

Your life will surely take you to that path where you will find yourself, when you really start living within yourself. You will all praise yourself for letting yourself get open to your life and feel the happiness that's around you. Find happiness even in the worst. And that can be done by having faith in everything. Have faith in yourself, have faith in god, have faith in everything you just have.

Just love yourself and you will start loving your life. You will get a reason to love yourself more (except you have a person in your life who is your reason for loving yourself more).

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