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In a world full of people with under the standing (their current position), we meet so many people who easily become a part of our lives and they talk to us, they enjoy having our company. But, have you all ever trunderstood each other? Have you ever tried to think of that person who is with you that how he or she is, what he is with you, how he or she behaves with you? Have you ever thought that how he thinks of you, if he or she understands you or not, if you both are different by thoughts or not?

That's the problem of all the people around us. We never try to understand each other. If some person is telling you something which you don't consider to be good, then there mighy be a reason for that thing. But no, we just oppose them and we just try to take them down and get them an anxious feeling. When tou react something bad on some person's thought, you are just critisizing that person. Understand them. We all have different mind, different thoughts. The thing is that we have to accept it and understand it.

Understanding is required in all the relations like~~friendship, parents and their kids, relationship, in a married life and in each and every step of your life. It is really necessary for all of us to understand. If we will not understand each other, that thing will lead us to create more difficult situation for ourselves. When you underatand each other, might be in any situations, you just feel the real you that atleast you can accept what other people are. You can also learn many things from people by accepting their thoughts. Not always you are right. You may be wrong. Just accept it, understand it and try to solve your problems.

It will make you positive from your inner side. Just imagine, when people deem you as a wrong person, you fight against them that- "no, i m right and i m always right so this time also i m right". My dear friend, you can't be always right. It's said in our holy books that - "No one can be right, but when he accepts his wrongs, then he is the Right one." So similarly, when you ignore other peoples thoughts and you fight and argue with them for what they are doing us wrong, then remember one thing in life, you are not living your life. We always judge each other on thus matter. Parents are also considered for this thing(not all of the parents but few) They will scold their child even when he or she is a teen or an adult, even if the child is right. But, they will never accept the reality what their child is. Dear parents, just stay calm and observe what your child is doing and if it is wrong then correct him or her but never critisize or argue with their decisions. This will lead to their destruction.

This is also for relationships.

To Be Continued.😊

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