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We are all provided with so much of options in our lives without any adversity and pain. We have it all in our hands from the very first day we were born. We have options in everything that exists in this world. Even in the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the people whom we make friends, the relationship we have, the places we go. There are so many things which are having options in it.

Why we should not have any options? So, the answer to this is — because, the more we have options of a particular thing, the more difficult that thing becomes for us. Choose a platform where you don't have to everytime choose from the options. Have your own choice ready when you fail choosing from the other options. You fail when you have so many options. You get confused at some point when you're having so much of options.

Sometimes options are good for us in a way for a back up. But, start with the good and an appreciable choice so that the bad option stays just for a back up. When we go for a shopping, we always select a clothe in the first eye. But, when we chose other dress beyond that, then the second one becomes an option. At last, you will always take the first one you decided to buy. Because that was not at all an option to you. It was a choice.

Options may sometimes not help you. So stop looking for the options in your life and start chosing better primary than the option. Backups doesn't always work.

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