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The matter discussed before can also be understood by many reasons. There are many reasons and many situations where people don't understand each other. One of them is in the family matters. It can be a joint family or a simple 4 people family, but still, understanding is a concern for them. We all have different people in our family and all of them have distinct thoughts and likes and dislikes and that creates a situation where understanding becomes a part of them.

We in a family sometimes fight for silly reasons. Right? We all know what reasons they are so I m not describing it here. And we have that human nature where we all start arguing about small things happening in our family. It happens and it should happen. Everyone in their family should share about what they feel. But, in a different and a correct way. We don't understand each other and we just fight amongst each other rather than sitting at a particular place and justifying all our problems. We all have that nature to fight.

The other matter in which understanding is a blockbuster concern is a relationship. It may be for husband-wife, girlfriend-boyfriend, two friends, ect. These are really the matter where two people have to understand each other for their problems. Understanding is a key rule in a relationship. And for these matters, where there is no understanding, there is no relationship. And there comes an end to the relationship. We have to understand each other. We have to cope up with the situation which your partner is facing and have to understand them rather than arguing with them and creating a bigger issue. It may lead to a great obstruction in your life.

Problems are no more a destruction in a relationship when understanding is a concern.

When you start understanding your better half, the problems between you will fly off. Set your ego aside whatever you are. All people are same and everyone has an ego but that's not the right time to use it. Set your ego back and let your understanding conquer it.

That will be the day you will be the real you who knows what others need. And what you yourself need.

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