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What's the most terrifying thing in your life. Do you know that? It's to lose something or someone and then realize that it was your most wanted thing. We all have everything that we don't want to lose but there are things we lose. I had an habit to buy new things and store them even if they get old and one day I would throw that thing because I didn't want it. But, after some days I realise that, Oops! That thing was so special to me, I want that thing back. But, now it's gone and will never be mine again.
Yes, did you understand the tragedy?
You lose people, you lose things. But, never let them go. In case of a thing, if you wish the first time that you don't want that thing in your life, just stay quite and calm and just hide that thing. Stop being around that thing. Don't just let it go. And when you wish to get that thing back, you will be so greatful that you didn't break it or lose it. You just hide it and when you realise it's impotance again, just take it back from where you kept it.
In the case of person, you specifically don't lose anyone on their own. It's your choice to lose a person. Sometimes some people make a wrong choice to let that person go from your life who cares for us, loves us, give us everything. But some of the humans don't understand their value when we have them. We always realise it when we don't have that person in our lives. We think that— this person is there for me however I stay with that person, he will not be affected. But, your are wrong. That person is the most affected person when you don't value their presence. Some people always value them after they are gone.
In some cases, once they are gone, they are really gone. And you can't get them back.
So, value each and every person and your things when you have it rather than losing it. Get your late realisation out of your life. Value your things. Value your people you love the most and the people who love you the most. *Read this para again* Never let them go. Because once they are gone, you will never get them back. Just love and value everything you have.

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