Chapter 3

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Flashback (14 years ago)

Third POV

Little (Y/n) was in her bedroom sitting at her desk coloring some pictures for her mother's birthday. She started humming a tune that her mom sings every time she does the dishes or work online.

"Mommy's gonna love this drawing of her, daddy, Takashi, and me!" Y/n said cheerfully as she colored more, (nibbling on her crayons here and there. nOm NOM NoM) Her father walked in her room and smiled at her. "Y/n, honey, you gotta get ready so we can meet Takashi at the hospital."

Y/n frowned and kept looking down at her semi finished drawing, "Is Takashi going to be okay... he's been in the hospital for over a week..." Y/n stated not knowing tears were flowing down her eyes.

Her father ran to her and hugged her tightly "Shhh, it's gonna be okay. He's gonna get out because he's strong". He said as she rubbed her back. Y/n smiled and sniffed, she hugged her dad back and pulled away.

"We can go visit Takashi right now!" Y/n said excitedly. Her father nodded and patted her head "Just get ready okay", Y/n nodded rapidly and ran to the bathroom.

—20 minutes later—

Y/n ran down the stairs with her little (f/c) backpack. Her father chuckled softly and opened the door letting little y/n run out and open the car door.

"Remember to put your seatbelt on!" Her father yelled from the house. "Okay!!" Y/n yelled back as she struggled to put on the seatbelt. She sticks her tongue out in concentration.

A gasp escaped her lips when she heard a chuckle coming from next to her. "You really need to work on this" She turned her head to see fox-like eyes meet hers. And a warm smile on his face with red cheeks.

Second pov

Your eyes opened abruptly as one of the maids was shaking you awake. "Miss. It's time to wake up and breakfast will be served soon." You nodded and sleepily sat up. You looked around for a second, taking everything in. 'When did we get maids? Did I redesign my-' That's when realization hit you. You hadn't dreamed about being kidnapped. And you hadn't dreamed about your dad dying. This was real, all of it was real. A sense of dread started to fill you and you looked underneath the soft bedding. Only to see what little clothing had been given to you last night.

"Don't worry ma'am there's some clothes on the dresser." You nodded and slowly got out of bed and moved to the dresser. When suddenly you could hear the door about to open. Before you could react the maid closed the door again and locked it.

"Sir you should always knock before you go into a lady's room." Your eyes widened in surprise. "Y-you can do that?" Your voice was barely above a whisper as the maid turned back around to you. "Miss L/n I'd appreciate it if you get dressed since" Her voice seemed to get louder. "You are only in your undies!" She then put her ear to the door and the scuffling of footsteps were heard. Suddenly a voice was heard through the door. "Hurry up."

The maid nodded and turned back to you. "Now hurry and get dressed!" You nodded and picked up the clothes. 'I have to wear this?'


"Ah you look lovely miss Y/n." You frowned and scratched your bare shoulder. "I don't understand. It's only breakfast, why do I..." You stopped talking when you realized you were talking to one of the people who could tell on you for this. She chuckled. "Since some of the members were arriving for meals with only boxers on, Master Kita assigned a dress code for each meal." You nodded and turned around to the mirror. "But it's white what if I-" There was a knock on the door again.

You gulped as the maid moved to the door to unlock it. "Come in sir."

Atsumu entered the room wearing a white tuxedo but without the tie properly on and the jacket was open and loose. "How's it going sweet cheeks?". He said winking at you, you blush furiously and stutter out "Uh- pssh- Go-Goo I-I mean I- uhm I'm fine!" You immediately look down and hear Atsumu chuckle, you look to your side and see the maid look away covering her mouth slightly.

The maid clears her throat. Before gesturing to Atsumu's unorganized look. "I trust Master Kita will severely punish you?" Atsumu scowled at her. "Stop squealing like a pig and come and fix it for me."

You looked at the maid and she rolled her eyes before walking over to Atsumu and fixing up his suit. After she finished he lifted her chin up with his index finger. "Look at me." The maid grudgingly looked at him. "Good. Keep up with this attitude of yours Lade and you might not survive." You saw 'Lade' clench her jaw and the look in Atsumu's eyes. Suddenly he looked up at you.

"Ah let's go Y/n." He held out his hand to you as if he DIDN'T just make a threat towards one of the maids. You gulped before taking his hand. Suddenly he twirled you and a light blush spread across your face. "Now let's go before Samu's fat ass steals all of the food."


jk jk that was just the dress that I liked imagine any dress you want. 😌👌🏼

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