Chapter 5

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Second POV

After your little walk with Suna, he took you back to your room saying that he has to go somewhere, you nodded your head, and sat on the bed bored out of your life. 'I wonder what he has to go to, that's so important' you thought while laying down.

'That little incident that happened early was quite funny, but... the way I was so close to Suna like that was... W-WHAT AM I THINKING!?' you blush furiously and shove your face into a pillow.

Third POV


"Pfffft rough sex huh?" Atsumu glared at Osamu who was making fun of the red mark on his twin's cheek. "Pfffft. More like getting bitch slapped by Kita." Atsumu snapped his neck to Suna and his glare intensified. Before realization hit him. "You were there!" Suna smirked.

"Y/n was there too~ We were so close wanna see?"

Atsumu opened his mouth but then closed it. Pausing in what he was about to say. "Yea Show me!" Suna's smirk grew wider as he pushed Atsumu to the wall and pressed his head against Atsumu. Both of them holding eye contact the entire time."What the fuck are you guys doing?" Ojiro furrowed his eyebrows as he walked in with hands in his suit pocket.

Atsumu turned red from embarrassment before pushing Suna off. "Ugh Nothing! So shut yer trap!" The men began snickering. They all cleared their throats and became serious as Kita walked in, all of them sitting down while Kita walked to sit-in the front.

Kita looked around analyzing everyone who's here and who's not. His eyes stopped at an empty seat and he instantly stood up surprising everyone in the room, "Where's Akagi?" even though he said it in a monotone voice he was slowly beginning to feel with worry.

The men shrugged, but Riseki stepped from the side "I saw him walking towards his room after breakfast, didn't see him after that the maids knocked on his door but he didn't respond." Everyone looked at Riseki then back at Kita.

Everyone could see Kita's eyes widen a bit. He tries not to make a scene but he ends up running out the room, the guys look confused except Ojiro & Ōmimi, they looked worried as well.

Kita ran to Akagi's room, on the second floor, and knocked on the door hard, "Akagi open this door right now!" Kita yelled, no response, "MICHINARI OPEN THE DOOR!!" By now he was banging on the door and shouting even louder... no response, again. Kita busted open the door to see Akagi curled up in a ball on the cold ground..

"GODDAMNIT MICHINARI." A rage filled Kita and he turned around putting his hands to his head. Almost pulling out his hair. He sighed before calling a maid and a nurse inside the room slamming the door and locking it after they came in.

Second POV

You sat up in your bed. Your heart felt like it would burst out of your chest. 'I must have fallen asleep. But what was that loud noise?' Goosebumps began to form on your arms and you slowly got up. 'It wouldn't hurt to investigate right?' You opened the door slowly and walked carefully in the empty hall of the second floor.

Suddenly the note popped into your head and you remembered the laundry room. 'This is my chance! I just need to check out the laundry room. I think I saw one on the third floor.' You headed in the opposite direction of Akagi's room and began running to the elevator you and Suna had taken earlier.

You clicked the elevator button and waited as it came up to you.

Osamu's pov

"What do you think happened now?" I shrugged my shoulders pretending not to care as usual. Tsumu sighed as the elevator headed from the basement to the second floor. "Probably something not good. Even Suna didn't want to go up." I rolled my eyes and karate chopped Tsumu on the shoulder. "Well we wouldn't have to be the ones to go up if you didn't lose rock paper scissors."

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