1. First A Little Soap

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NOTE- none of these chapters are proof read so you're reading at you're own risk. oh you still wanna read? you cheeky fella ;)

1. First, a little soap.

She's a mean-eyed crazy addicted disco

diva and you wonder

Who's that chick? Who's that chick?

Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her

Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single

Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes.

Atychiphobia- Fear of failure

Neophobia- Fear of anything new.

Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions.

Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection

A. M. A. N. D. A.


That was her name and that's how I'll define her. She was like any other girl. Wanting to be cool and emotionless on the outside, soft on the inside. Like a coconut. She was Coco to me.

I never really was her favorite person nor was I planning to be. I just want her to not change who she is just so she fits in the society. She is way better than them but she just doesn't realize it. She is beautiful, smart, spirited and lovely. Simply someone you could easily adore.

But.There was always a 'but' when it came to her. She was Amanda Shane.

Someone, no matter how much you want to be close to, can push you off the cliff within an exchange of few words. Every girl has her insecurities and dreams. Fairy tales, even. She was no different.

I remember the first time I spoke to her. Being the first one who she spoke to, when she was still a freshman. She was in school earlier than the Janitor, Uncle Max at roughly around six thirty in the morning with her teal duffel bag and a purple top that was too revealing. That's all I remember of her clothing because that's all I was looking at.

Her dirty blonde hair was pulled high and tied into a knot and her neck was less tanner than her face. She was so messy, even back then. But to say she was beautiful with her blue eyes was more than an understandment. She was gorgeous and that day, I was in awe with God's work. Just because of her.

I saw her and at once knew she was a new student so I introduced myself to her, showing her around the school and making small talk until the classrooms were opened. Now don't ask me what I was doing there early in the morning. I am no nerd nor did I have a bad record. Okay that was a lie. I have done my share of pranks as well, but the best part was I never got caught. Halfway because Haroldson always took it upon himself like the man he is.

And apparently for some oh-so-funny reason Amanda always called him Narnia. That was another mystery to me about her friendship with my best friend and wing man, Patrick.

So when she had caught me checking her out, she crossed her arms around her chest and cocked an eyebrow at me, smirking. She had me there with that crooked smile and all-knowing eyes.

"Dylan, Dylan, Dylan I am practically your sister", she laughed, singing her first words to me.

She was referring to that fact that she had the same name as my sister. That had been one of the topics we chatted on about. She was easy to talk to and smart. She had an accent. A weird accent but I love the way the words curled in her tongue and cheeks turned a faint pink as she spoke.

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We had laughed it off and I showed her around the lockers before I walked away without a goodbye as soon as my mates arrived. I know, it was a dick move but you'd have done the same if you had a reputation to keep. I did introduce some girls to her to make it up but she was reluctant because probably she was hurt.

And during the first few days of knowing her, I found out one thing. Amanda Shane was hard to impress. Too hard and rough with a little rust and dirt over, like how my dad referred to sex. Oh well, guess we had to take some steps for it. Slowly and gently, she'd fit in and be more of her. Where do we start? Firstly, we need soap. Rub, scrub and dub. To clean away the hardness in her. Which could also be taken the other way than the literal meaning.

"Dylan? Hello? Are you even listening to me?", Cas asked, as she pouted, waving a hand at me to get my attention. I blinked twice from my trance and looked at the platinum Blondie in front of me. She was the blonde version of Angelina Jolie to me and was amazing. Her t-shirt also said, "Good girls go to Heaven. Bad girls go everywhere" which was a major turn on but then I turned to where I had been staring at - Amanda - nothing seemed right.

Nothing was ever going to be same again. And it was all my fault. I know. I am a dick and must rename myself as Richard, I thought. But hell, this went too fast before I could comprehend.

Everything changed after that stupid episode with that stupid white t-shirt at that stupid laundry mat. Whoever said when love is lost, friendship always remains was completely brain washed, or in our case, white washed.

Always remember:

Love is a tee - soaked, white washed and dry cleaned.




Zac Efron - Dylan Roy

You - Amanda Shane

Brenton Thwaites - Patrick Haroldson

Hannah New - Cassandra II King

Baylie Madison - Amanda Roy


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