4. Soak It Well

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4. Soak it well.

Everything seems like a city of dreams,
I never know why,
But I still miss you.
There she's standing in a field of lights,
I close my eyes,
And I still miss you.

I always wondered how Amanda chose her boyfriends and the worst part was why they dumped her. When we boys were at our lockers at the gym, she was the hot topic we used to talk to about. Every time some dick said how sexy she looked that night they went on a date, I always kept my fist in my jean pocket or tightly to my sides.

Haroldson took it pretty coolly, for his credit. I still wasn't sure about his feelings for her because as stereo typical many girls think boys don't tell each other everything nor were we sparkly vampires to know each other too well. We were bros, knew each other's likes and dislikes, talked about sports and girls. Our future was undecided and we didn't give a shit. That's what we were. We could not just look into someone's eyes and know everything nor did we always have sex on our mind.

My story was and is the same as any boy's. Showing interest in a girl, dating someone else and the worst part now, exams were nearing right after the rugby game next Friday.

Amanda and I were still not the best of friends but I needed her tutoring. Of course she denied it saying she was already tutoring some dip shit called Marcus. Well, okay. I didn't need her help. I had so many better people to ask.

I called Haroldson up.

Tring tring.

Tring tring.

Tring tring.

Tring tring.

Pick it up, man.

Tring tring.

Tring tring.

Sigh. It rang the whole call but he hadn't picked up my phone. So much for the White Tee episode.

So I decided to do the most obvious thing. Beg Amanda to teach me.

"Uh, hey?" I cleared my throat, standing behind her in the lunch line.

She turned around with a smile, which immediately turned to a frown as soon as she saw who the hey-er was. Ouch. She swiftly turned back and cut the line and moved so fast but I knew I needed her help. I followed her too, almost banging my lunch tray on Jack Mathews' head which was not something I needed right now, leaving the fact that we are sworn enemies since elementary.

"Hey! Coc-- Amanda! Wait up!" I pushed through the crowd. "Why can't you just listen to me?!". She stopped and turned around almost making me trip without causing her to fall along with me. That sure could have created a scene.

"What is even there to listen to, huh? Tell me! You've anyway ruined everything with your stupid white t-shirt and now what more do you expect?! Me to fall on your feet and--" She was losing it. And we had an audience. I looked around at them, giving them a look to mind their own business. But no one was moving. Either they didn't get my look or they were too observed in taking videos of my embarrassment. No one knew what had happened. And she was blowing it off along with my reputation.

The crowd started circling us and I felt so uneasy with my leather jacket on. I didn't say anything but roll the tip of my tongue on the inside of my cheek again. It had become my new habit.

"-- I always thought you were a nice guy. You had to be", She looked at me with distaste. How much I hated that look, "being friends with people who are so chill and kind like Patrick!", she added. That was a low blow.

"I wanted you--" I began.

"No! You listen to me! Why is it always what you want, huh? What about our feelings? Are we not just like everyone else? Are we not like your sister and mother?!" I was getting mad now. But did I have the right to?

"You think you can do whatever you want just because of some shitty tradition that made you the," she curled her fingers in the air to make air quotes, "Omega of some kind!" Did she just swear?

The crowd slowly began to move and make way for the Knight in shining armor -- Haroldson. Now what?

"Amanda, Mrs. Greene is coming. Leave." He literally hissed. She turned to look at him, nodding once before leaving the scene, sprinting. I stared back at her retreating figure. Haroldson always made sure I escaped the scene. Now he was defending her. Sure she was a girl, but we were brothers! Were.

I sighed and turned around to head out as well. "Wait, Roy."

I turned around to look at Haroldson. He never called me by my last name. It was only I who had the habit of calling him that. And it was only for him. I even called Patrick Samuel as Patrick. Everything had changed, hadn't it?

He rolled up his sleeves and slowly walked towards me, "Sorry man, you know exactly how sorry I am not", he jogged increasing his speed before punching at my jaw. My head fell back. I was caught off guard.

He was creating a scene for Mrs. Greene to see. That and also this was his chance to take revenge on me.

One kick on my stomach. A sucker punch. He aimed my nose. I crouched down, holding my stomach. He always had the better punches, but he also knew I had the better kicks.

I kicked myself higher, wrapping my legs and twisted us both, by his neck around. I landed, frog style and Haroldson fell on the ground groaning. I stood up and walked to him, wiping the blood streaming down my nose.

The crowd went wild and I was blinded with flashes from the cameras and within a few seconds I was down on the ground and Haroldson was over me, punching me literally everywhere. I groaned and spat out blood,

"BOYS!", Mrs. Greene stood at the exit of the Cafeteria. "You and you, both. In my office. Now." She stomped the ground after recovering to two bloodied boys. "Rascals".

Haroldson got up and flexed his neck and fingers. He stretched his back and turned around to look at me. He sighed and gave me his hand.

I stared at it for a few moments before spitting out more blood to the ground and getting up myself almost falling back again.

"Dylan, care--" He reached out but held back and straightened himself before walking away with a "go to the nurse, man"

I went to the nurse right after a "talk" with Mrs. Greene. Haroldson had his record darted again and I was claimed for self defense.

I had bandages all over me and the fight was uploaded on YouTube. Amanda was completely out of the picture nor had I seen her the entire afternoon. I was sent home soon and the office called my mom and advised for an X-ray if I wasn't getting better.

Mom thought I was back into street fights because I did not tell her about Haroldson. I went to Kevin's grave and layed lillies there.

After this fight, Amanda was very quiet and even her friends were worried. Haroldson was always around her and she was so scared. Did I do this?

Exams arrived in no less time and I flunked in Biology. I rewrote the exam and just passed.

Things were never this worse and Mom started drinking again. Amy was and always had been in her own World and she knew "Patty Harry" hit me. She said I deserved it. And I knew I did. In fact, he should have blown my nose off.

White Tee. Where are you taking my life now?

Always remember : Memories are like a tee - Remove them and wash with acid.


lovelies, new update! Until next time

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