3. Strach The Collars

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3. Starch the collars.

Think I'll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
Later's better than never
Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive

Being a bitch is a talent. Being a slut is desperation. Being blonde is natural. And a curse. Cas was all this.

Cassandra Joey Alabama II King is in short, Cas. She was a newbie last year and is literally shorter than her name. She is short, tiny and beautiful. She looked similar to Angie like I have already said and she is funny. She is rich and popular, not just in school but she has her own Fashion Blog is some famous woman's e-magazine.

Cas was every guy's dream coming true. She was great in bed and knew how to solve someone's needs. But when I say someone, I meant everyone. Too... giving, I must add.

Too bad that's all she had. The body. The sweetness and a little humor. But it vanishes when she enters what I call FDM - Female Dog Mode.

Haroldson and I knew her in our Sophomore and I knew that instant that Danny's sister, Cas was very different from her older brother. Danny graduated last year and was the charm of the school. They are mockingly known as "Omega" and this year, I was the Omega. So immediately, all the girls naturally wanted to be with "bad boy" a.k.a "Omega". And Cas won, More like, I encouraged her presence around me because of her brother.

So now, we are what everyone calls High School Sweet Hearts. And I am completely not enjoying myself.

Omega Dylan Roy. That would be me. But no one calls me that. I am just Dylan to everyone. And Dyl to Haroldson. My sister Amy calls me Big Brother, and I guess that has stayed since our younger days.

I remember bullying her to call me Big Brother and blackmailed her to break her Barbie's arms and legs if she didn't. Now it is her habit.

Habits die hard, they say. And I had a very bad habit. I ran away from my feelings.

I had always missed my could-have-been friendship with Amanda. The girl I always teased as Coco. We were, what? Acquaintances. Yeah, that. We were in the same clique, had common friends, same classes, sat together, but were still just that.

I guess first impression is the last impression, I thought as I walked down the hallway for my AP English class which I was sure I was late for.

Amanda as usual was in her seat talking animatedly to Lindsay. It has been awkward with Lindsay who never liked Cas from the beginning. And Amanda, she just loved everyone.

Lindsay hated me after what I did to her but she understood why I did it and always said that I had to grow some balls and ask Amanda out. My life has always been around my mother, sister and friends. Street fights were a thing back then, but I stopped going there after Amanda attended one by following us and almost got raped by some shitty, drunken mother fuckers there. She was very disappointed and had asked us to stop going to one. Us meaning, me and Kevin. Kevin died last year because of drugs on a cold December night.

But obviously, Kevin was more friendlier to Amanda than I was so, he had just laughed it off though I knew I would have readily agreed. Her eyes met mine or a moment and I could see hesitation and concern but she was quick to look away and walk away angrily after we dropped her off at her house.

Kevin and I had a debate about it later that night but decided we needed to have power in our blood and school fights were just too mainstream.

"We need illegal. We need adrenaline. We need blood. We need to win this street fight tournament!", Kevin had beat it into my head. No, more like hammered it in.

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