2. Soda Lemon & Water

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2. Soda, lemon & water.

It's getting to the point
Where I am no fun anymore
I am sorry
I am yours, you are mine

You are what you are
You make it hard
Remember what we've said
Don't let the past
Remind us of what we are not now

It wasn't National News which brought life as it is now. In fact, not everyone knew how things fell apart and how much one would love someone so much that they'd leave everything behind in that flimsy game called "Lalala Friendship". And Bro Code? Don't even go to that. It is Hoes before Bros now. Things have changed and whatever it is now had been all a mistake.

Come to think of it, I wasn't even the one to start it all. All I did was mix three things as one. Lust, Want and Need. If you see these three things, they have almost always been mistaken as the same.

Going back to the days that Melissa and Roberta had dumped me to the times Sammy and Michelle cheated on me to the times I got bored of Lucy and the time I broke up with Lindsay. One thing hadn't changed -- They were all blondes. When Roberta was a straight A student who's dad thought I ruined her life to Melissa denying sex using a condom because for some weird reason she wanted to get pregnant to the fact that Sammy was a not-so-sweet cheerleader to Michelle whose boobs were bigger than her brains. I have always gone for blondes.

Lucy was just a nerd I used to hang around and she thought it was more so I played along with her fantasy and "dumped" her. And Lindsay? The only reason I went out with her was to make someone jealous. And that only back fired on me when Lindsay became besties with that someone. The irony. I know you'd have figured out who I am talking about but let's face it, Amanda was so much better than any of them.

I wouldn't say I fell in love with her nor that she was my crush. I just had a lot of interest in her because she was so mysterious and there so much more to her than she brought out. She was a maze and I was amazed. Her beautiful blue eyes looked like nothing more than a death trap. Her smile already had half the boys in school falling for her. She seemed pretty oblivious about it as she slowly made her way on top of the rumor mill for being the first girl to join the popular A listers in such a short period of time. She radiated happiness. And I was happy. Like Pharell Williams said.

I don't think I can ever change my opinion about Haroldson. Patrick Harry like he liked to call himself. But that's for later. I feel so worn out about this drama that it suddenly occurred to me that the drama was only now beginning. And a little birdy told me something bad was yet to happen.

Back to square one now. Just because reliving them in my memories is all I could do.

"Hey Dyl, just got beat done with the four's man", he laughed and gave me a high five, and a shoulder bump as he sat in front of me with a wide grin.

That's when she came into my view again after I had left her at the lockers. She seemed like a lost puppy looking around and then her face brightened up seeing something, or someone. Or in our case, Patrick.

"Hey! You, Amanda! Here!", another voice yelled from the other side of the classroom. It was Stacy McAdams. The Head Editor of the Mason High Newspaper Club. She hardly liked anyone. So since when have these miracles occurred?

"Aw, Stace. Narnia already booked me a place here" She pointed to the empty seat beside me and plopped herself there, rejecting Stacy's offer quite smoothly.

"Ha, I win!" Patrick laughed again and turned to me, "I had no idea Stacy was so cool", he whispered.

Immediately my eyes snapped to her and she seemed to be looking here to so I awkwardly nodded at her and turned back to Patrick with raised an eyebrow.

"Long story short, new chick came in, spoke about the new movie released in the Broadway headlines and it made so many dollars in ca--", he babbled on excitedly. I had no idea why he loved Broadway dramas so much. He always talked about "love and stages, like in Broadway", as his most used line was. And just then, Amanda cut him with her smile.

"And Montana Fredricks was amazing at his Juvenile Code debut!", She said it in such a way, like she was teasing him with an inside joke. And Patrick seemed to understand whatever the joke was and groaned with an "Aw man" and she laughed calling him Swiper. Okay that pun, I understood and it made me give a small smile, unconsciously.

I discovered we had the same time table. Which means I got to see her every period of everyday of this entire academic year. Which meant she had to sit beside me, but completely ignore me. Which meant she hated me.

Why? Because I was being such a gentleman and turned my back to her though Patrick had the balls not to.

Should I justify myself now? At least you deserve to know so much. Or maybe you don't. But I am still going to go with it anyway. Because YOLO. Yeah, I just said it.

I am known to be the boy who hardly talked to people. And maybe that's why people wanted to talk to me because they thought they had it in them to make me talk to them like a normal conversation. Society is a bitch. It always has and always will fuck with us and drill its views inside our heads which makes a very narrow prospective. See what I'm coming at?

So I was labelled this dude, who beats the shit out of everyone because of one fight I got into. And never talks to anyone but his clique because of me hanging out with my childhood buds more. Yes, the society is an exaggerate machine.

And so, many families, relationships and bonds are lost. Love is lost. And is does friendship.

And I learnt it the hard way.

Because my head is so thick that it needs to broken and washed to get new shit inside.

What was I? A t-shirt?

Always remember:
Friendship is a tee - don't bunch it into a fist and throw it at someone



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