"Bar Fight"

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(VR bar fight **gone wrong**/ Josh X Mully)


With their VR sets on, the boys played in some kind of bar map.

It was crowded, not with actual VR players, but rather standbys.

"Reekid, punch this dude."

Mully held up one the people in the bar.

Reekid swung at the man Mully held up, he ultimately swung and missed and hit Mully.

Grant, Josh, Gaege and Eddie stood by and watched.

Mully revved up, and was ready to swing.

"Hold me back! I'm about to knock a kid the fuck out!"

Josh ran his character in front of Reekid, as Reekid cowered away.

"Mully, it's not worth it. He's retarded."

"Hey, I'm not retarded asshole!"

"That's it!"

Mully tried to charge into Reekid, but Josh stayed in front of him.

"Mully. Look at me."

Mully snapped to Josh's character.


"It's not worth it, baby. Let it go."

"You're right."

"Oi, come at me Mully!"

Mully tried to jump for him.


Mully nodded.

"Shut the fuck up, Reekid!"

Josh stayed in front of Mully until Reekid stopped his bullshit.

"See, babe. Not worth it. He's like 12 anyway."

"You're right, I'm sorry baby."

"It's fine. We've just gotta pick and choose our battles."

"Yeah, I know."

The other boys screamed and joked around.

"I wish I could have my actual hand on your face."

"I wish I could have you in my arms."

"You know what, I'm driving to come see you."

"Josh, that's a four and half hour drive, you don't have to do that."

(I'm highkey making shit up, lmao. I have no clue if they even live remotely close to eachother.)

"I wanna see you. No debates, I'm driving to see you after this is done."

Mully could feel his face heat up.

"I'm so excited."

"Let's hurry up and finish this."


The two boys went back to playing with the others.


(Lmao, calm down Jamal don't pull out the nine.)

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