Head Hurty

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(Swagger basically knocks himself stupid on a cabinet door.)

//Apologies for lowercase, I wrote this is another file and I like it that way.//

Swagger X Narrator


swagger woke up first, he didn't usually, but since he was up he decided to make breakfast for himself and grant.

he snuck out of the bedroom quietly and snuck downstairs.

he went for the cabinets immediately to grab a bowl for some pancake batter.

he underestimated the height of the cabinet and his height and smacked himself directly in the forehead.

he stumbled back, pressing a gentle hand against where he hit.

"mmm...fuck! that hurt."


grant was halfway down the stairs.

swagger didn't respond with much but a grunt.

"baby, what happened?"

grant rushed over, waking up  quickly.

"i hit my damn head on the cabinet."

"aww, let me see."

swagger moved his hands.

grant saw the knot forming and a small cut.

"let me get you a cold wash cloth keep your hands on it."

"damn that hurt."

grant ran off and came back with a cold cloth in his hands.

"move your hands."

grant dabbed the cloth on swagger's head.

"that water is cold."

"better to be cold than warm."

for a moment it was quiet, til grant broke the silence.

"what were you doing anyway?"

"i was going to make breakfast, since i got up first."

"aww, that's sweet of you."

swagger smiled.

grant hand cradle his face.

"why don't we sit down on the couch for a bit? i'll make breakfast after you feel better."

swagger was caught in the blue sapphires that stared back into his tree bark brown eyes.

grant's pupils dilated.

"y-yeah, i wanna lay down."

grant smiled and led the two to the couch.

swagger wasn't one to be soft often, but he was hurt and he needed the comfort and care.

grant held swagger until the swelling on his head went down.


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