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Toshiki and Nokia returned back to Heavenly Host. But once they gotten back. Things looked a little... different...

Nokia: What the-?!

All over the walls and floors were red, pulsating flesh with innards scattered on its walls and floors, with eyes and teeth visible in several spots. Some green tentacles will also attack people if they are not careful where they are heading and what they are stepping on.

Toshiki: Holy Fuck...this much be the Nirvana Ryou was talking about...

Nokia: Which means...Sachiko is losing her power over the school...

Toshiki: Returning Heavenly it's true form...

Nokia: We gotta find Sensei and the others...

Toshiki: Yeah...(Keisuke...Please be okay...)

Toshiki and Nokia walked down the hallway. They then noticed a cabinet in the east part of the halls.

Nokia: Hold on a second...

Nokia carefully walked to the cabinet and begin to look inside. After a while of rummaging through it, she pulled out something.

Toshiki: What you find?

Nokia pulled out some kind of white paper with symbols from the cabinet.

Nokia: Is this some kind of spell tag?

Toshiki: Actually. That's a talisman Nokia. It used to horde off evil spirits away. Not sure who left that there... But it could be useful just in case we run into vengeful spirits.

Nokia: Oh. That's lucky for us.

Toshiki: Let's keep going. We should find the others as soon as we can.

The two went towards the stairway on the south and noticed a small hole nearby.

Nokia: Hey Toshiki. Wait. I think I see something in that hole...

Toshiki: Hmmm?

They both interacted with the hole that's the smallest.

Toshiki bent down and looked inside to see something shiny.

Toshiki: Oh you're right. I can see it too. Give me a minute. I'm gonna try and grab it.

Nokia: Be careful. We really don't know what else could be in there...

Toshiki catiously puts his hand inside the hole. Digging for a few seconds, he managed to pull out another item.

Toshiki: Hey...Whoa...What is this?

It was another glowing crystal.

It was another glowing crystal

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Nokia: Hey. That look like the one I have....

Nokia pulled out the small crystal she and Yuriko found from what felt like ages ago. It was the same shape but different color than the crystal Toshiki had.

 It was the same shape but different color than the crystal Toshiki had

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Toshiki: Huh...that's peculiar...

Nokia: Yeah. I felt some mysterious power in these crystal. I wonder what kind of meaning these have...

Toshiki: We should keep them for now...Let's go...

They started a pathway and went back up the staircase.

Toshiki and Nokia were now heading east to the inner wing. Toshiki then saw something.

Toshiki: Great. There's another an impassable hole on the floor.

Nokia: But there is a door above it. Let's try and enter it.

Toshiki opened the door and shines his phone flashlight mode inside.

It was a small classroom, so far there were no corpses inside.

Though both students hearing the sounds of what seems to be a book shutting nearby. The male student then noticed a shadow of a person nearby.

Toshiki: Someone's inside....

Nokia:....Friend or Foe?

Toshiki: I'm about to find out...

As Toshiki got closer, he noticed the figure was staring down at what seems to be a pentagram on the floor.

Toshiki: (Strange...that star pentagram looks like the one that Saenoki girl wears as a hairclip.)

Toshiki looked at the figure but once he shined the flashlight in the figure's face.

???: WHOA!

Toshiki: Aah?!

???: Geez! Don't scare me like that! I didn't think someone was behind me!

Toshiki: (That voice...?!)

Toshiki never though in a millisecond years he be happy to see a teacher. But not just any teacher...

Toshiki: Tsukasa-Sensei?!

Tsukasa: Eh?! Kujou-kun?!

Yep. The teacher who went missing an long time ago after separating from his students was back in the flesh and still alive!


Tsukasa: Nishino-chan too?! Thank Goodness! You both are okay!

Toshiki: The same to you Sensei! I'm surprised you not harmed...or dead...

Tsukasa: Yeah...I'm surprised I've lasted this long...I many things in this school I don't even want to speak about...

Toshiki: Relatable...

Tsukasa: Wait. Kujou-kun! Where's Shinozaki, Tachibana, and Okumura?!

Toshiki: We...separated...

Nokia: Tsukasa-Sensei...There so much we need to talk about...

Tsukasa's worried smile turned serious as he looked at his students.

Tsukasa: Yeah. You're right. But...Is it okay if I side of story...of where I've been up too...ever since I separated from you guys...

Toshiki and Nokia looked at each other...whatever their teacher had to say, it looked like it was worth sharing...

Nokia: Of course, Sensei. What happened on your end..

Tsukasa sighed for a moment. His eyes then hold onto a sad look at he looked at his students...

Tsukasa: Kids...Ever since I've came here...I've begin to remember something tragic in my life...that I was forced to forget...Because...




"Someone I knew...died here in this school..."

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