A.) Talk With Keisuke

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A.) Talk With Keisuke...

Toshiki: I....guess it wouldn't hurt to talk for a few more minutes before we settled things with Sachiko...

Keisuke look alighted with excitement almost like he was very happy or jubilantly in high spirits...

Tsukasa: Okay. Just take too long you two.

Nokia: We're be outside...

The other Kijima survivors leave the custodian room. Ayato threw them both an suspecting glance before going outside with them.

Toshiki: Okay...So what did you wanted to talk about?

Keisuke's face turned a little gloomy but tried his best to put on of his brightest smiles.

Smiles that he used to reassure people.

Smiles that he used to encourage others...

Toshiki couldn't help but admit that smile on his friend's face was alluring...

Keisuke: Hey...I just wanted to know...Are we really going to survive this?

Toshiki threw him an questioning look. What gotten into him? Keisuke sounded unsure about whether or not they were going to survive this madness they put theirselves into.

Toshiki: Is everything alright, Keisuke?

Keisuke: I...well...

Toshiki:....to answer your question, I'm not sure myself.

Keisuke: Well, do you trust Shinozaki's oath?

Toshiki:....No...I don't...I don't trust him at all...Ever since we got here, I feel like he's leading us to the devil's den. Nirvana...The pillars of the six demons...the book of shadows...in all honesty, everything we learned up until now is too much for my brain to handle...it's giving me a headache..

Keisuke:.....I'll be lying if I say none of this is frightening...

Toshiki's expressionless features took a huge turn and he looked up at his friend in alarm.

Toshiki: Keisuke...Are you...scared...?

Now this was surprising. Keisuke is one of the most dumbest but bravest people Toshiki has ever met in his life. He would literally be that one guy who would take the bullet if a robbery takes place or jump in front of a car to rescue a kid on the streets from getting hit.

Keisuke: Surprised...Well...It shouldn't really be surprising. I mean, like everyone else here...I too have experienced multiple situations that almost got me killed...Megumi-Senpai was one of them...

He had a point there...this is Heavenly Host after all...

Toshiki: Keisuke.....

Keisuke: And the thought of dying scares me too...worst of my fear is being forgotten...Especially by the people I care about....

Toshiki: Ah...!

So that's why he always try to keep a strong pace...

Because of he was scared of being seen as...?

Toshiki: Keisuke....I'm gonna say this once...You're not weak...


Toshiki: You are literally one of the most dumbest people I've had ever met in my life. But because of you...you helped me...you helped me with my problems and kept being there for me even if I pushed you away...so now, let me be the one to help you...

Keisuke: To...shiki....

Toshiki: I want to continue...seeing your smile. Your radiant energy for idiocy. Your smiles that always brighten my day. Even if that means going through hell once again...

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