Abandoned Ending

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A/N: Another Bad Ending...For only Shinozaki Ayato this time...


Toshiki and Nokia returned back to Heavenly Host after their conversation with Ryou in the in-between. While searching for their classmates and teacher, they managed to stumbled upon Shinozaki alone who gave them some devastating news.

Toshiki punched the wall in frustration as Nokia looked down with pain and guilt on her face.

Ayato: Fuuta-Senpai is dead too.. Killed by the ghosts children...right in front of our eyes...

It was indeed an traumatizing experience they had to go through seeing all that, especially if it was someone they were close too...

Nokia: And Yuri-chan...YURI-CHAN!!! WAAAAAAH!!!

Nokia broke down crying. She held it in for so long over the death of her best friend that she couldn't take it anymore...

Toshiki puts on a hand on her back as if show his gesture of his support and reassure her.

Toshiki: Nokia...

Nokia: So many of our friends are dying...We need to leave! We need to find the others and Sensei!

Ayato: I...agree with you Nishino-chan...BTW, Are you perhaps looking for something...?

Nokia: Hmm? Oh...Umm...Yes...My scrap to the charm...I kind of...lost it...

Ayato smiled at her before pulling out something from his pocket.

Nokia gasped.

It was her make-up kit. The one she lost sometime ago. It also held her piece inside.

Nokia: Shinozaki?! You found it?!

Ayato: Yep!

Nokia: T-Thank you so much!

She was expecting Ayato to throw it over to her. However, he made no move whatsoever. Nokia raised an eyebrow in confusion while Toshiki stared at the other boy.

Toshiki: Oi...Shinozaki...What are you doing...? Just give Nokia her charm back.


Nokia: Shinozaki...?

Ayato: Nishino-chan, I have a proposal...

Nokia: Huh? Proposal? What do you mean?

Ayato: I'll give you your scrap of the charm back....


"If you leave Kujou and come with me..."

Toshiki put on a glare while Nokia's eyes went wide.

Nokia: Nani...?

Toshiki: *Sneers* Shinozaki, what are you trying to pull?

Ayato ignored him. A twisted grin came onto his mouth with his brown eyes turning empty and doll-like.

Nokia stared in horror at sudden display.

Ayato: You heard me, Nishino-chan? Aren't you tired of that crinimal deflowering you?

Nokia: W-What are you talking about?!

Ayato: I'm saying he's going to harm you!

Nokia: ?!

Toshiki: What the hell are you saying?! I've never harmed Nokia!

Ayato: Don't play dumb! I've seen the way you act, Kujou! Everyone else may be blind but I know your true intentions!

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