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A/N: Someone we love is going to die...


Tsukasa: Waaah?!

Keisuke: W-What was that?!

Chika: This is it...The Nirvana is at it's true power... Heavenly Host is soon collaspe....

Toshiki: Will that mean...?

Chika gave him a sad look...

Chika: There's no escape...we'll be taken out along with the school...the Sephirot of Knowledge...

Suddenly, the book from Ayato's hand begin to growl.

Everyone: ?!!

Ayato: What the...?!

Book: YOU....NO LONGER...HEIR....

Ayato: W-What?!

Book: Only Heir...The Queen...

Tsukasa: Eh?

Nokia: Queen.....?

Chika: (Oh no....That's bad....)

Ayato: No...No...Why...?

Book: Failure.... You're A Failure...Not fit to lead the bloodline...

A broken expression came onto the teen's face....

Ayato fallen to the ground as the book distinguished from his hands and disappeared straight into the seventh pillar giving it the power it needed as the school started to rumble. The Earthquake will soon take them all out.

Ayato: Failure...? I...failed....?

Nokia: *Sniff* *Sobs*


Toshiki: Keisuke....

This was it...

They were all going to die...

They failed to get back home and stop the calamity from spreading all over their world...

Soon malicious spirits from Heavenly Host will enter their world and cause destructions.

Many people will lose their lives a d be caught in the crossfire....

They'll soon be surrounded by the pillars...trapped in a world filled wirh nothing but death and despair.

There was nothing they could do...

Nothing at all....

All they could do now...

Was sit there and wait for death to come and claim them all, so they can join their fallen friends and everyone else who died in the school.

Tsukasa: (Yui....I've failed....I couldn't save anybody)


"It's not too late....Tsukasa-kun~!"

Tsukasa: *Gasp*

The history teacher looked up from his spot from the familiar voice he heard...

He looked around but didn't see Yui anywhere...

Was he imagining it....

No...That couldn't be it...

He swore he heard her...

He looked over at his students...

All five of them looked lost...

He then turn his head to the core...

Corpse Party: BloodlinesWhere stories live. Discover now