Chapter 2 - Part 7 - Investigation

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I stared at the body for a few seconds, but was quickly snapped back to reality again by the sound of Tyler's tears. "I-I'll get the others..." I mumbled. He didn't reply but I just left and collected everyone else. 

-small time skip-

The body discovery announcement had played and pretty much everyone was here. By Simon was still no where to be seen. "No no no no no no no nooo... Not thissss again..." I heard Nathan mumble. Archer gave him a small pay on the back. He looked like he was trying not to cry.

 "What sssort of ssstupid missstake of a human would kill sssomebody in ssssuch a brutal way?! And on hissss birthday!" He mumbled again, but more loudly. I checked the E-Handbook and as guessed, the Monokuma File was on there. 

I looked up at the body again

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I looked up at the body again. A slit mouth, bleeding eye and the fact that he was pinned onto the wall seemed the most unusual. I then noticed that the birthday banner that was in the room yesterday was on the floor. The sides of it were bloody, and the pins that had held it up were nowhere to be seen. I then realised that they must be the same pins that were holding up Issac.

I then got tapped on the shoulder by somebody. I turned around and to my surprise, it was Lukas. "Hey, I need to tell you something about the murder, in private. You mind coming with me to the storage room?" Now that the investigation had begun I found myself being a lot more carefree, so I nodded and he lead me to the storage room. 

 "Alright, now does this murder happen to remind you of anyone?" He said once we were there. I shook my head in confusion. He seemed annoyed "Ugh, do I really have to explain!? Well I guess I'll tell you." He then went into more of a composed voice. "Well, back in around 2010, there was a serial killer known as Genocide Jill." She killed men and stuck there bodies onto the wall with scissors. Kinda reminds you of this case, doesn't it?" 

 "It certainly does."

 Said a voice, but it wasn't my voice. 

We looked to where the voice came from, only to see Simon Brown standing in the doorway.

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