Chapter 6 - Part 11 - Execution

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So this is more of a singular execution for multiple people instead of everyone getting an individual execution, just though I'd say


Before I even had time to think I felt the chain around my neck. It was so painful. I started feeling bad for the killers. For Emma, Tyler, Amelia, Zoe, Lukas and anyone else who was forced to feel such a pain. 

I saw the others being dragged off, all except for Jamie and Sarah. The mastermind had kept a tight hold of him and I watched him try fight her off as I was dragged away.

Failure - The Group Execution

We were all placed under long hydraulic presses. There was 15 of them, the others were filled with our fallen allies memorials, and we saw them being activated and crushing the object underneath one by one. I would be the first death once they reached the actual people. I counted through. 

1... 5... 11... 13...

Then, the press above me began to fall. I stood there, chained up, dreading the moment that death hits me.

But it doesn't

The press stops and the chains come off me and the others. 

- end of execution -

We all stood in the execution room in shocked silence. 

What... Happened?

Mary was the first to speak "Did Jamie save us?" 

 "No, it wasn't Jamie."

 That voice...

I turned around and saw Daniel Bow standing there, holding a remote with a red button in one hand and his hat in the other. 

 "Did ya miss me?"

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