Chapter 3 - Part 14 - Post Trial

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We all voted for Amelia, but some reason Nathan voted for himself and Amelia voted for Nathan. Monokuma made a noise that seemed like an annoyed sigh "Well, there time in a row, you are correct. Amelia Bones killed Archer."

Amelia stood in silence, refusing to look at any of us. I spoke first "Why? Why make us to through his again? Why manipulate Archer like that?" Amelia immediately stomped her foot in respond to this "I manipulated him you say?! Ha! You think that boy was the victim in this? He came to me!"

- Flashback, Amelia's POV -

I was walking down the halls and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Archer. He looked worried. "Amelia... I need to talk to you." He mumbled. This seemed unusual for him. "Why you coming to me? Wouldn't your snake freak friend normally deal with stuff like this?" I asked him. Archer dug his face into his scarf a bit and mumbled "This is something he can't know about yet.." I was slightly surprised by Archer's words. But I was keen to help him nonetheless "Alrighty! What's on your mind?"

 "I-I want to kill Lucy Wids..."

This is what surprised me more than anything. "Wait- what?!" I said, probably louder than I should've. "K-Keep your voice down! I... I just want to escape with Nathan..."

I actually admired Archer's idea. I had wanted Lucy dead ever since I met her, and now I was getting somebody to do it for me! "Of course I'll help! Come to my dorm, we'll discuss it properly there!"

He nodded and I led him to my dorm. Once in there, I locked the door and sat on the bed. "Sooo, what you got planned stalker boy?" He then pulled out a gun from in his jacket "I-I found this lying around, would it work as a weapon?" I nodded and said "You can invite her to the storage room then BANG! Shoot her when she least expects it!" 

Archer nodded but he looked worried. I couldn't blame him, if he was caught he'd be killed. So I decided to put his mind at ease. "Hey, don't worry! If you get caught I'll take your execution for you! Promise!" He gave a nervous smile and put the gun back into his jacket.

- end of flashback -

 "Of course I planned to kill him anyway, but I actually admire you Nathan, for your intelligence." Nathan seemed slightly annoyed by Amelia's words but He replied "why...?" She gave a smile and replied "Weeeell, you were actually right! Archer did what he did because of you, aaaand,

You were right about Archer's suicide."

This is what caught me off guard. "W-What? But Archer didn't commit suicide..." Amelia simply smiled, almost creepily, and said "Well, Archer planed to kill himself but was interrupted by none other than the Ultimate Ringmistress, me! He opened the door and I shot him dead! Couldn't let stalker boy take all the credit y'know?" We were all surprised by Amelia's upbeat attitude to all this. 

She then turned to me "Hey, Benjamin. Y'know how I said I never break a promise?" I have her a small nod. "Well, for as long as I can remember that's true! I've never ever broken a promise. That's why I promised Archer. And also why I promised you. I knew I'd be breaking a promise depending on how the trial ended, but I'm glad I could keep Archer's promise." Mary raised an eyebrow "How are you keeping Archer's promise?" 

 "I said I'd take his execution for him, and that's exactly what I'm about to do."

 The room went silent, until Amelia turned to Monokuma "Alrighty! Monokuma, lift the curtain and begin my final performance!" She turned back to us "I wish you all the best in the killing game life. I expect to be seeing you all soon." 

 "Puhuhu, well you heard the girl! It's punishment time!"

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