Noya goes Ghost Hunting

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Usually, Noya was a deep sleeper, but that wasn't the case last night (well, morning). He could barely sleep, and everytime he felt like he was about to fall asleep, he'd become either hyper aware of Tsukishima next to him, or something would make a noise that startled him out of sleep. A part of him wished that they were actually sleeping on futons so he could move his next to Tanaka's, while the other part was content with what was happening. It wasn't like Noya could just move to sleep on the loveseat, or Tsukishima would question why and he'd have to come up with an excuse.

Giving up on sleep, Noya simply woke up and did his morning routine, which consisted of brushing his teeth, gelling his hair, and changing into his day clothes that were honestly not that different from his pajamas.

It was around four in the morning when Noya completed his routine, taking a seat on the loveseat. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before bringing out his phone to browse through his gallery. There were many pictures of Tanaka, mostly silly selfies taken after school or during volleyball breaks. Kageyama was in a surprising amount of photos, not only because he was always stuck beside Hinata, but also because Noya thought their expressions during their banters were funny.

He felt his eyes droop a little as he swiped through each picture, coming across group photos, selfies, memes, and random animals, and the next thing he knew was that Tsukishima was standing in front of him, all dressed up.

"G'morning," Noya mumbled, still a bit tired.

"Good timing. I was about to wake you up," Tsukishima responded flatly. "Why are you on the loveseat."

"Loveseat? What's that?" Noya asked, his senses sharpening a bit.

"You don't know what the thing you're sitting on is?"

"I'm no furniture expert, Tsukishima!"

"Still," Tsukishima said, a bit hesitant, "why are you on it?"

"Uhhh." Noya thought of an excuse, some of them a bit too bizarre and some way too dull for his taste, so he quickly chose the one that was probably the most Noya-like. "I wanted to be a good example for my kouhais, y'know? And I figured you'd wake up early so we could go and knock on some doors to wake them up."

"But we don't know anyone's room number," Tsukishima argued, definitely suspicious.

"I was planning on knocking every door," Noya said. "They're all probably going to watch the nationals anyways!"

That seemed to do the trick, Tsukishima giving him a curt nod and telling him that they should go to eat breakfast and then practice and Noya agreed. He ignored his heart beating a bit faster while he was walking next to the other boy to get breakfast.

When they arrived at the dining hall, Noya saw that there were only two people from the team aside from him and Tsukishima, those people being Yamaguchi and Tanaka. Noya rushed to get his food, stomach basically begging for some.

"Where's everyone else?" Noya asked when he finally seated himself next to Tanaka. Tsukishima was still getting food from the breakfast buffet with Yamaguchi, who was twittering happily about something.

"Hinata and Kageyama woke up early and went to practice already and everyone else tagged along," Tanaka explained, mouth still full.

"Damn, they're all being great senpais today," Noya laughed, taking a bite of his food.

"Just like you've been, right?'' Tanaka said with a smirk.

"What do you mean, bro?"

He laughed, "Anyone can tell that you're giving Tsukishima a special 'senpai' treatment, Noya-san!"

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