Cats, Owls, and More Cats

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There were many perfect scenarios for confessions, weren't there? Confessing under cherry blossoms as petals fall around you, like in dramas or animes (crossed out because it wasn't the right season), or under a million stars and the moon before parting ways. Or maybe Noya could use the Misattribution of Attraction to his advantage and bring Tsukishima to a random haunted house or skydiving or something (even if Tsukishima already liked him, that would up the like factor, right?).

The thing was, Noya kind of wanted, maybe even needed it to be done before meeting Lev and Yaku so he could make Lev's double date fantasy a reality. That limited him a lot since he had no idea what kind of places Tokyo held, or what he could do to execute it perfectly, or in a pretty cool way at least. It had Noya thinking a lot in the early morning.

"Why are you staring at the ceiling instead of getting out of bed?"

Noya whipped his head towards Tsukishima, making eye contact with him for a split second before turning back to the ceiling again, his heart beating faster in that moment. "I could ask you the same thing. Why're you watching me instead of getting out of bed?"

"I wonder why too," Tsukishima hummed, lifting his weight off the mattress to stand up. Then he leaned in right into Noya's sight, above him. "Maybe you can tell me?"

"Can't read your mind, Tsukki," Noya said, the burning sensation slowly creeping its way from his ears to his cheeks.


"'M not a mind reader, y'know."

Tsukishima snickered. "Seeing how dense you are, I guess not."

"Are you saying that I'm dumb?"

"Who knows?"

Noya stuck his tongue out at Tsukishima and sat up before shoving him away gently. "Move! Imma go get ready now."

Tsukishima simply stepped out of the way to let Noya make his way to complete his routine and in a few minutes, Noya was out of the bathroom in his outdoor clothes with his usual spiked hair and belongings in hand. He grinned and gestured to Tsukishima to do his own business, moving to pack up all his things in his bag. Little did Tsukishima know, Noya also had other motives, a.k.a texting his friends for ideas to confess. Once he stuffed all of his things into his duffel bag, Noya brought out his phone, punching rapidly on the keyboard a text to his first choice, who was none other than Suga.

Noya: suga-san!!!!!

Noya: how should i confess to tsukki

Not even a minute later, a notification popped up.

Suga: i was just wondering when u were going to

Suga: but hmmm

Suga: maybe get him something?

Suga: remember when daichi gave me a custom snow globe when he confessed?

Suga: i keep it next to my bed so i can see it everyday bc it reminds me of him

Suga: god, i love him so much

Suga: hes the sweetest <33

Noya: ahhhhhhh suga-san!!!

Noya: ik ur all in love w daichi-san and all

Noya: but idk what to give tsukki

Suga: its supposed to be personal noya!!

Suga: just give what feels right :D

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