Mission Sakuatsu (and other stuff)

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"Oh my god," Noya gasped loudly as he woke up with the best idea he had since... well, not forever because he always had pretty good ideas, but that was besides the point. He was already sitting up, his back straight and body filled with anticipation.

Tsukishima groaned from beside him, "What is it, Noya-san?"

"Just an idea," Noya replied, throwing the covers off of him and stretching his whole body before leaping onto the floor. "A great one too! I'm not telling you though."

"Great ideas coming from you?" Tsukishima snickered. "Can't imagine."

"Trust me on this one!" Noya insisted as he tilted his head to face Tsukishima. "Not that it concerns you, but still."

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow. "Then who does it concern?"

"Atsumu," Noya answered with an impish grin, "and that's why I'm going back to the metropolitan gym."

"How will he know that you'll be going?" Tsukishima asked suspiciously. "You know you can't just go there uninvited, right?"

"I'm not that unprepared!" Noya yelled as he threw his thumb to gesture to himself. "I already got his number!"

"Then can't you just text him?"

"No can do, Tsukishima! Gotta tell him in person," Noya explained enthusiastically before frowning a bit. "But I might forget it soon, so I'll be right back." He rushed into the bathroom, the only thing occupying his mind being his mysterious plan as he got ready.

Once Noya was done with almost everything, he searched for his hair gel, the final thing he needed before he could gather his things, hop into his shoes, and make his way out of the hotel. But it wasn't anywhere on the sink, even though everything else was there. Noya let out a frustrated noise before concentrating to think about where he might have left the hair gel. After a few seconds passed, a light bulb went off in his head.

For some reason, Noya had left it on the nightstand last night, and because he was so tired yesterday, he must've forgotten about it!

Unlocking the bathroom door and heading out, he paced to where he thought he had abandoned his hair gel. To his luck, it wasn't there, the nightstand empty as can be. Noya pondered on what he could do for another second. There was only one more person who could have seen, and that was Tsukishima.

"Hey Tsukki!" Noya shouted, turning to face the guy in the loveseat, who had his eyes closed as he enjoyed his music. If it wasn't for his current predicament and need to be quick, he would have appreciated how gentle Tsukishima looked at that moment. "Have you seen my hair gel? I left it here yesterday." He pointed to the still-vacant nightstand.

Tsukishima opened his eyes, expression morphing into a less pleasant one of cheeky eyes and a smirk, "Oh, are you talking about this?" Reaching into the bag that laid beside the seat, he fished out the hair gel that Noya spent several precious minutes finding.

"Why do you have it Tsukishima?!" Noya interrogated, beelining to Tsukishima as fast as he could to grab his belongings. To Noya's disbelief, Tsukishima had instantly stood up, holding the hair gel up in his outstretched arms. Out of Noya's reach. "Hey! Give it back!"

Tsukishima pretended to think for a moment. "Hm, how about no?"

"What? But why?!"

"I'm curious about your genius idea," was the only reply he got.

"Shouyou isn't the only one who can jump, you know that right?" Heading back a few steps, Noya used the little space he had as a running start before leaping up to try and get the object he needed. Unfortunately, paired with his good reaction time, Tsukishima simply spun around a bit to avoid Noya's deft hands. "Don't move!"

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