Yes or Yes?

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"Tsu! Ki! Shi! ma!" Noya yelled excitedly, hopping onto the spot on the bed right beside Tsukishima, causing the mattress to bounce slightly.

Noya had woken up earlier than usual, all cleaned up, fully clothed, his hair all gelled up, and all too giddy for all the events that were about to occur in a few hours. After sitting around for a long time and giving goo-goo eyes to Tsukishima, Noya decided it was time for him to wake up too. By then, Noya was even wearing his Karasuno jacket already, despite the warmth provided by the heater and the fact that they would have to eat breakfast, which would take at least ten minutes, before exiting into the cold outdoors.

However, Tsukishima simply turned to face away from Noya, ignoring his loud outburst and continuing to lay still on his side with shallow breaths. Noya let out a huff before gripping on Tsukishima's bicep with both hands and rocking him harshly.

"Wake up Tsukishima!"

"Please be quiet, Noya-san," Tsukishima mumbled, bringing his pillow up to block the noise from piercing into his eardrums.

Noya continued to shake him, though his strength was weakening as his arms grew tired, "C'mon, why are you so sleepy today?!"

"You forced me to eat a lot yesterday."

"It wasn't that much!"

"Maybe not for you."

Noya released his grasp on Tsukishima, glaring holes into his back before attempting to tug the pillow away. He eventually stopped after a while, the heat from the jacket suffocating him and covering him in sweat. Except for finally letting go of the pillow, Tsukishima didn't budge in the slightest, so Noya decided to try something weird, something he never thought he'd ever do.

He leaned in cautiously, only pausing when his lips were almost touching Tsukishima's ear, and whispered, "Wake up, Tsukishima~"

That did the trick, Tsukishima jolting up right away, barely missing Noya's chin, face bright red as he stared at the other with wide eyes. Noya just blinked, kind of stunned by the reaction at first but quickly recovered with a smile.

"You 'kay?" Noya laughed. "Are you that shocked I was whispering? And under that pillow must've been hot, your face is all red."

"I- no, uh." Tsukishima couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence and was avoiding eye contact. Noya tilted his head in question as he waited for a reply. It never came.

Then he realized what he did might have been a bit... much.

"You dirty minded bastard!" Noya uttered out, chuckling loudly even though his own cheeks felt like they were smoldering. "Go get ready or something already! Don't be slow! I'll wait right here."

Tsukishima regained his composure with a quick nod, although pink still tinted his cheeks, and stood up to go to the bathroom. As he walked past Noya, Noya so desperately wanted to cover his face with both hands as his heart screamed like those fangirls watching their favorite idols perform on stage and fluttered like a wild bird trapped in a cage, but he didn't. Instead, he opted to let his hands clasp firmly on the pillow, knuckles white.

How the hell is he so effortlessly cute?! If cuteness could kill, I would be dead by now!

Noya brought the pillow into a hug once he heard the sound of the bathroom door closing shut, engulfing his face in it's soft thickness to let out a smothered sound that was in between a scream and a growl. He only remembered that the pillow he was holding was Tsukishima's when he smelled the sweet, milky strawberry scent that loitered on it. Noya pulled the pillow away for a second before fitting it snug under his chin.

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