Bonding over Crushes

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It was around five a.m. when Noya woke up. The sun was still down, but the sky was lighter in color compared to the normal darkness of the night. Noya tried to sit up, only to notice that he was trapped under the thick, heavy blanket that he was also half sitting on. It was way too warm for Noya so he tried to get out. He wiggled a bit, lifting himself off the duvet so he could pull the covers from under him. It took a while, squirming and twisting until he was released from it's hold, and it was honestly quite a workout. Then he noticed that the whole blanket was on his side, all bunched up.

Wait, I didn't use the blanket last night, Noya thought, puzzled. How did it all come here then? Did Ennoshita sneak in or something?

Noya wondered for another minute but brushed it off and stretched arms above his head, feeling refreshed in a groggy kind of way, before turning his head to see...



Noya immediately perked up. He had just been wiggling around just a second ago, going so hard that even the bed shook. It was a miracle that Tsukishima was still asleep, and for the second time in his life, Noya was glad that Tsukishima was a deep sleeper. Scratch that, he was glad that Tsukishima was a deep sleeper in general. Then all of the sudden, the realization hit Noya.

Did Tsukishima tuck me in?

The smell of strawberries invaded Noya's lungs while he was wondering, as if trying to make him even more aware of Tsukishima. It obviously worked, his heart promptly doing a lot more work than it was supposed to, thumping tumultuously against his chest.

"What the hell," Noya muttered as he climbed out of the bed and adjusted the thick duvets so they were on Tsukishima. "Take care of yourself instead."

Despite what he said, a smile played on Noya's lips, tugging the corners up ever so slightly. It just made him feel like jello inside, and he almost forgot that Tsukishima had a crush on Furukawa and that he was just a surprisingly sweet guy. Although it stung a lot, Noya would be fine with it. He had to. It wasn't like Noya could blame Tsukishima for how he felt. He appreciated little moments like these, and even if his feelings weren't returned, he could admire Tsukishima from afar, and that was enough for him.

Abruptly, Noya's stomach growled, begging for food. He had forgotten that he hadn't had any food the night before, so he quickly got dressed and completed his routine. It was only six and Noya was starving, but he had to wait for Tanaka, so he took a seat on the edge of the bed. After half an hour of doing nothing, he contemplated waking Tsukishima up because he was getting bored, but the blond had other plans and woke up himself.

"Oi, Tsukki," Noya said unprepared, his voice still scratchy from waking up.

"Noya-san," Tsukishima replied as he sat up. "How are you?"

Tsukishima's voice was uncharacteristically soft. Was it because he just woke up? He seemed to be sensitive to noise in the morning after all.

Noya tilted his head. "I'm fine, why'd ya ask?"

"For someone with such a big stomach, skipping dinner is a little weird," Tsukishima replied as he rubbed his eye with one hand. If the comment didn't sound so condescending, Noya might've actually swooned at the thought of Tsukishima acting so tenderly.

"You can be just nice for once, y'know?" Noya said as he hopped onto his heels. "Someone might actually fall for it."

Speaking from experience.

"Oh and Ryuu is coming at seven or so," Noya added. "So if you wanna go with us, then you should start getting ready."

"Tanaka-san? Why?"

a dinosaur and thunder become (more than) friendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon