Sweet Jealousy (but not really)

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When Noya started to wake up, he felt as if the bed was harder, so he opened his eyes and found himself sprawled on his stomach on top of Tsukishima.

Tsukishima still looked to be fast asleep, all peaceful and angelic. His blond hair seemed to shine from the light that sneaked in through the curtains. The light smell of strawberries around him made Noya feel a bit dizzy, or maybe it was because he was so close to the middle blocker. But one thing that Noya was sure of was that Tsukishima was a deep sleeper, or else he'd probably be awake and pushing Noya off of him by now.

Noya took a last look at Tsukishima and rolled off the bed to get ready. He was pretty satisfied seeing Tsukishima's face close up and besides, he had to get ready for the next match of the nationals: Nekoma.

Hinata mentioned that Kenma texted him about Nekoma making it through the next round and that according to the list, they were about to have a Battle of the Trash Heap 2.0. The whole Karasuno was electrified, ready for another legendary match against the cats and crows. Noya hadn't seen Yaku for a while, even though they kept contact, and was excited to meet him again. They were fellow liberos, after all.

When Noya finished spiking up his hair, he set off to wake Tsukishima up. The libero started by poking the blond's face, which got no reaction. Then he yelled, and there was still no change in Tsukishima's face.

He must've been really tired yesterday, Noya thought, walking to the bathroom to fill a glass provided by the hotel with water. He was going to throw it on Tsukishima.

However, Noya thought again and decided it was a bit too much, so he only sprinkled some water instead. Tsukishima's face scrunched into a grimace, moving his head to the side to avoid more water, which of course didn't work because Noya just began sprinkling more water onto Tsukishima's face, laughing loudly.

"Hey stop, I'm already awake," Tsukishima grumbled, wiping his face with the back of his hand.

"Took you long enough," Noya chirped back, sitting at the feet of the bed. "You're such a deep sleeper."

"I'm not."

"You wouldn't know, you were sleeping!"

"Please shut up, it's too early to be this loud."

"Sorry, now go get ready! We have things to do!"

"Doesn't sound like you're sorry about being loud," Tsukishima mumbled but nodded anyways, beelining to the bathroom to get ready. Once he was done, they walked down the hall and into the dining room to get breakfast.

The rest of the team hadn't arrived yet, so they got their food together and sat down at their usual table. The room was buzzing with people right now, which was expected of an almost full hotel and at this time. There were some tourists, some teenagers that wore expensive clothes, and some seemed to be there for the Spring Interhigh. The day before, there weren't as many people because they were a bit late, so even though it was expected, they were slightly shocked at the difference of the number of people despite the small time change (The reason there weren't any at dinner was because the hotel provided free breakfast, but dinner had to be paid in advance while booking the hotel, which Takeda did).

"I wonder if anyone will recognize us from last year," Noya laughed, and as if on cue, a tall, purple haired boy came up to them.

"Hi, I'm Koyanagi Kyo from Chidoriyama Junior High," he introduced himself politely. "I really admire your skills as a libero, Nishinoya-san, and I'll be joining Karasuno next year."

The libero gasped, and who wouldn't when they found out they had a fan, but calmed down just as quickly. "Thanks, and that's a great choice! What position do you play?"

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