Chapter 1

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I heard an noise. It sounded like thunder, but when I looked out the window, nothing was there. Every one else ran. Someone told me to run from what was outside, but there was nothing there! They said there were these things with a whisk and a plunger killing people, but I can't see anything.

I stayed where I was.

I heard another noise. Kinda like a wheezing noise. I only heard that noise once in my life, when the Doctor and I ran to make his Tardis. I had fun, but, ever since then, I haven't heard it because he left me on Earth. Until now.

I turned around. A man with a blue, pinstriped suit and tan trench coat stepped out. I could tell it was him.

I ran up to him. I ran as fast as I could.

When I was close enough, I jumped and hugged him. I has so happy to see him.

Then I stopped. He gave me a confused look.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Ha ha. I've regenerated since we last saw," I said. Oops.

"Oh gosh," he said with wide eyes.

"Ha ha. Yeah. Hello Doctor,"I replied, really excited and blushing because, one, he is really hot on this regeneration, and two, he remembers me.

"Hi Firestone,"he chuckled. I laughed along with him.

I jumped on him again. This time he hugged me back and swung me around in a circle. When he sent me down, he said, "Wait, can you see them this time?"

"See what?"

"I'll take that as a no. There are daleks and cybermen outside covering and destroying everything they can get their hands on. Can't you see them this time?" he asked again.

"No, but I knew something was wrong. Everyone was running around crazy," I told him.

"Yeah, that might be why. Did you ever find out why you can't see them, Firestone?" He asked.

"No." Yes.

"Your lying." Shoot.

"Fine. I know why I can't see them," I said.

"Then why?" He asked.

"Because after you left and never came back," I scowled," I was captured and taken somewhere and made it so I can't see everything because they wanted me dead. I don't know why, but they did. Oh well, look at me now! Happy and in collage!"

I heard a noise for the third time today and looked to the door. Cybermen.

"I'm guessing you see this one, huh Firestone," The Doctor commented.

"Yes, I can. Now, this is the part where we run, right Doctor?"

"I like your thinking." And with that we ran.

It's nice to be with the Doctor again.

"I love you," I said without thinking.

Author's Note:

The picture of Firestone is at the beginning if you you were wondering you that was. Her name is Rose (not on perpus ) Leslie. Her outfits will be posted with the next chapter. Sorry for my spelling, too.

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