4: Moaning Lisa Smile

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" flash your teeth if the inside hurts "

I saw Catelyn the while she was preparing to leave for Storm's End. "Good morning, Catelyn!" I called. I wandered over towards her and rubbed her horse's head. "How long do you think you'll be gone for?" I asked.

"Quite a while. I haven't seen Renly in ages and I don't know how hard it will be to convince him to side with us. The ride to the Stormlands is over a fortnight. I won't be back for a good while," Catelyn told me with a sigh. "You will be the Lady in charge here while I'm away." We both laughed.

"When do you think Theon will be getting back to the North?"

"A little more than a fortnight I'd assume. Pyke is much closer. I guess it depends on how long he visits with his father."

"You don't think he'd leave us, do you?" I asked.

"Ned and I raised him. I'd like to hope he wouldn't desert us so quickly. Unless you think he might. I know you two are close."

"We were best friends from the moment he arrived in Winterfell. That was one thing that never changed. He's like my brother, I don't want to believe that there's even a chance he might change his mind about our family. But..."

"You think he might go against us? The Iron Islands are the smallest kingdom in the realm. No one would come to their rescue, they alienated everyone during their coup."

"I'm sure Theon would try to tell his father all that, but family has always been important to him. If his father staged another rebellion while the crown is weak, I'm not sure Theon could refuse."

"Blood has always been important to him, not family. There's a fine line between who your family is and where your blood comes from. Is this about him not saying goodbye to you before he left? Are you afraid that was his way of telling you his plans?"

"Theon and I never say goodbyes. Friends should never have to permanently leave each other. We never say anything as final as goodbye."

"If only that were true." She looked off into space for a second, lost in her thoughts. I bounced on the balls of my feet unable to shake the feeling something was going to go wrong. "Nervous hands are never good, pack your things. You'll ride me to the Stormlands."

"Robb will never let me go, he'll say it's too dangerous," I said more bitterly than I had planned.

"If he didn't think you could take care of yourself, he would send you back to Winterfell. I'll convince him it's a good idea."

"Alright, thank you." I started to turn away and she touched my shoulder.

"Amina, I remember when Theon first came to Winterfell and you two met. If anyone of us here has an idea as to what is going on in that boy's head, it's you. But I also know that he cares for you too. I can't believe that he'd walk away from that without a second thought. There's more to family than blood."


The journey to Storm's End was even longer than I had expected it to be. When we arrived I felt like I had been on horseback for a year, even though it wasn't nearly that long. After brief introduction to Renly and his wife, I retired to my room. Though I couldn't stay still for long, and soon found myself wandering around.

"Amina Winterfell," Renly said coming up to me patting me on the shoulder. "That name just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?"

"I guess."

"But soon you'll be Amina Stark, Queen in the North. That's exciting isn't it?"

Renly was a bit too chipper for my tastes. I was regretting leaving my quarters. "You know, I think I should go speak with Catelyn."

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