Chapter 29

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"What A Shocking Development!" "What Is It With You and Stupid Puns?" 

Draco stayed at the Diggory's household overnight, his parents having been owled by Claire's early in the evening asking for permission. Judging from the delicate handwriting of the returning letter, Narcissa replied and didn't show Lucius, which Draco was grateful for. Amos  welcomed the boy more than kindly as he arrived home from working at the Ministry, and supper was superb. Claire assisted Marie and Dawdie in making the meal, which was pesto chicken with roasted potato bites, Claire's favorite. 

Draco enjoyed the dinner, and Amos treated the three kids to donuts that he picked up from a muggle bakery nearby the Ministry's worker entrance. While everyone was just enjoying the evening, Amos conversed with Draco about school and other things, making the boy feel more welcome in the family. Then came the dreaded question. Well, dreaded on Claire's part.

"So, are you dating my daughter?" Amos asked. Draco froze. 

"Dad..." Claire warned lowly, clearly embarrassed. Draco quickly shook off his shock, turning to the girl in question. 

"Only if she would like us to be." came his reply, causing Claire to flush and try to secretly grab his hand under the table. The movement, however, did not go unnoticed by her adoptive father, and he raised an almost... teasing eyebrow at her. She bit her lip nervously as she waited for Amos to say something more, but he shrugged and wished them well. 

Later, once dinner came to an end and dessert was consumed, the teenagers sat in the living room again, though Cedric sat next to the couple on the couch, and Claire was stretched out across both his and Draco's laps, her head resting on the armrest and her feet being held captive by Cedric's hands. Draco's hands were running through her hair, absentmindedly, as they talked with each other about a variety of things. Cedric mentioned Hufflepuff parties, and Draco replied that they couldn't be more fun that Slytherin ones, so Claire's brother launched into full detail of on of the most tame "Huffle-ragers," as they had been so fondly nicknamed. 

"I was in third year, a few others in the years above had started a game of truth or drink. I thought it would be fun to lie about my year and join, that never works, for future reference. Someone had smuggled a muggle radio into the common room, and some song by... Spice Kids? Was playing. Almost everyone was drinking butterbeer or firewhiskey. Nothing much happened. Well, except for that one seventh year who decided it'd be a good idea to paint on the paintings in the common room. Godric, I think they nearly expelled him for that, said it was disrespectful. That was the most lax of all the parties I've been to." Cedric said. Draco barely withheld a snort.

"And the wildest?" Claire asked, seeing her boyfriend's mock-boredom.

"Well..." and so Cedric explained what happened. 

It was about 9 in the evening when Marie and Amos headed up, claiming fatigue and retiring for the night, so Claire, Draco, and Cedric all made themselves comfortable by changing into their pajamas, Draco borrowing a pair from Cedric. When Claire came back downstairs after changing, she nearly died of laughter from the pajamas Cedric loaned Draco. It was the pair that she'd gotten her brother as a gag-gift a couple years ago for Christmas, and was a simple red shirt and plaid pants. That is, until the behind, which said: "Bear Cheeks" with two bear heads. Draco, obviously, was unaware of this, and thought of them only as red and black plaid pajamas. 

"Cedric, did you... you can't be serious... my bloody boyfriend!" she muttered amusedly. Her brother grinned manically.

"You see, dear sister, when your girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend is a Weasley Twin, you get used to playing jokes on others. Besides, why the hell are you staring at his arse?" he replied. Draco was confused by this exchange, and was tempted to turn around to see what the bloody hell they were talking about but knew he'd better not for fear of embarrassment. 

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