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Rotface sat leaning against the wall of a ruined building in Freeside. Just on the outside of New Vegas. He waited there day and night waiting, oh how he waited just for someone to walk past and have pity on him. Maybe they would give him a few caps, at least something for him to spend. All he really ever wanted was his own hunting rifle, and a bit of armour to wear, well anything would be better than the stained rags he wore. He would become "Rotface protector of the wasteland". As night began to fall people began to walk towards the gates of New Vegas, To enter you had to have at least 2000 caps to show or they would shoot you. He was not sure why. As a tall man with brown hair wearing metal armour with little spikes poking out here and there walked past Rotface called out to him because he looked like the type who would carry money "Hey, could you spare a few caps for the poor?" asked Rotface. The man stooped and walked towards Rotface. "You need caps" asked the man "I need some help raiding a legionary camp just north of here how about I supply you with some equipment and you come along to, of course I will pay handsomely for your service." Rotface thought about this for a while. should he go risk his life just for money..............Yeah it was probably worth it. "Ok then fine I will come then" said Rotface "Shall we begin our journey". "now" said the man "I can give you some leather armour and a weapon but what kind." Rotface thought this was his chance to get the hunting rifle he always wanted. "Please if this isn't to much trouble........ could I have a hunting rifle?" 

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