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Jem pulled a strange looking device out from his pocket, and looked at it. "This here is a stealth boy, it will help me sneak past the guards" said Jem as they neared the building. Jem fidgeted with it, and then strapped the stealth boy to his arm. In seconds he was almost completely hidden from view. "wow" exclaimed Rotface "That's amazing, how long does it last for?". "Not sure, maybe 15 minuets or so" said Jem. "Ok said Jem you begin making the distractions for the guards as I sneak past the guards on the back". As Rotface neared the two legionary guards the readied there Cowboy repeaters at Rotface. Both guards were surprisingly tall. They wore the usual red and black armour with dangly red fabric here and there. There faces were covered with black hoods bicker goggles and red bandannas. "Halt, what's your business here" shouted the first guard. Rotface hadn't thought of a distraction yet. How could he have been so stupid. He decided in his mind that he would pretend to be dying of thirst.  "UGH" he said. Then he crumpled forward. The guards were confused and began fighting over who should check it out. Finally the one who spoke decided to go over. "Um, are you ok" said the guard. "I've been traveling in the hot sun for days, I have not had a drink  since last week, I am on the verge of dying, please could you spare some water." said Rotface quite proud with how well he was acting. "Eeeerrrr, what should I do" said the guard standing over him. "Give him some water of course!" shouted back the other one. "Well, I hope its ok to touch a ghoul, I don't want to go and die on my first mission." the guard rolled over Rotface. He opened a bottle of water and let the "unconscious" Rotface drink from it. The next thing he knew he heard a "KA-KAW" in the distance. He knew what that meant. Rotface jumped up, startling the guards. He stumbled back a few steps. The guards looked at him in bewilderment "Sooooo your fine now then?" Rotface didn't answer he turned around and began running as fast as he could, Rotface saw a small ditch in the ground just about 30 feet away. He wasn't sure how long he had till the mini nuke would go off. He ran and jumped into the ditch just in time. BOOOOM! The explosion was like nothing he had ever heard, the earth trembled with the blow. Rotface peeked and saw what resembled a mini mushroom cloud where the building used to be. The light was almost blinding. As the explosion faded away he wondered if Jem had made it out in time. Rotface climbed out of the ditch, he was hurt from jumping into the ditch, but not to badly. He stumbled forward heading for the crater which used to be the building. He stepped past the remains of the guards which had made a failed attempt to run after him. He stopped and took what he could from them. A bandanna, 2 stimpacks, some water, some ammo, and a fresh apple. He didint bother taking the cowboy repeaters, mainly because he was bad at using them. He did take the ammo though. As he was loading the items into his rucksack he noticed it. The body of Jem.

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