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Rotface trudged through the hot sand, it felt like hot coals to his bear feet. "Hey" asked Rotface "I didn't get your name." The man turned his head and spoke "My name is Jem I work for the NCR as a super legionary slayer sheriff, my job is to try and clear out as many legionary camps as possible". Rotface had heard of the NCR, they did the world good. They got rid of the blasted legionaries (Rotface's real reason for not liking them was because thy never shared any of there cap). "So this camp were heading many hostiles do you think we will have to fight" said Rotface. "Well" began Jem "this camp is inside a ruined building, it has land mines all around the perimeter of the building. My plan is to sneak past the guards while you make a distraction I don't care what you do all I really need you to do is keep them looking away from the front of the building, because that's where the guards usually stand. I will sneak around the landmines at the back, get inside the building take out the guards on the ground floor with my trusty silenced 22 pistol, then I will climb up to the roof of the building and plant this specially designed mini nuke at the top, this bomb will go of when I press this button. I will climb down and sneak out the way I came once I have done that I will do the signal, you run, I run, and the whole building go's boom!" Jem finishes the sentence out of breath, clearly exited by the idea of his own plan. "what is the signal exactly" asked Rotface?" Jem looks at him in disbelief "You mean you don't know the secret NCR signal?" "No I don't" said Rotface. "Well then" said Jem "I guess I must teach it to you.............. KA-KAW KA-KAW!!!!!" "ok I get the idea said Rotface" straight after the first ka-kaw. "Oh" said Jem suddenly "It looks like me telling you that plan was a good idea, recruit." Just in the distance they both could see a little ruined building on the horizon.    

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