Part 8 - So What Are We Now?...

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After the fireworks, you and Dabi head to the LOV base again.

dabi: those fireworks were amazing!

you: i know right? thanks for taking me!

you look down at the jacket dabi gave you.

you: you must want this back then...

he wraps an arm around your shoulder as you're both walking.

dabi: keep it.

he smiles and opens the door to the base for you.

toga: hey bestie!

she runs up to you and hugs you.


she grabs both yours and dabis arms and leads you to a room with a tv.

toga: movie. night.

she pouts and crosses her arms.

you: i- uh... okay-

toga: YAY!!!

she hugs you again but tighter, giggling.

toga: ill pick the movie and food, you both just sit here.

you sit next to dabi, cuddling into him under a blanket.

you: dabi...

dabi: yes Y/N?

you: was all this *actually* fake dating? or was it real?

dabi blushed and stuttered over his words.

dabi: u-uh well i-

you: probably real.

you look at him and laugh at his bright red face.

dabi: yeah... it was real, im sorry.

he admits, lowering his head and closing his eyes.

you: hard to believe youre a "bad boy".

you giggle again and he pouts.

you: im kiddingggg... soooo what are we now?

dabi: im not sure, but, would you be my partner in crime?

you wrap your arms around him, snuggling into his chest.

you: i thought youd never ask

thats it for this story unless you want another part which id need ideas :') so id you got ideas please tell me them! 😁

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