7/ Where Words Leave Off, Music Begins

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"No...no, not this...this doesn't rhyme...ughh," Y/N slammed her head onto her desk as she furiously scribbled out her lyrics. Every attempt she took to write at least decent lyrics was already crumpled up and had been thrown near the trash can. Y/N took a deep breath as she twirled her pencil in between her fingers, completely lost in thought.

"Maybe I can find something to inspire me?" she thought as she accidentally flung her pencil onto the floor. Just as she was about to pick up her pencil, Chiaki busted through her door and Y/N hit her head. 

"Y/N I hope this isn't a bad time...oh my goodness are you ok!?" she said frantically rushing over to her.

"Yeah don't worry I'm fine," Y/N slightly smiled at her rubbing her head, "I was just trying to write some lyrics down..."

"Oh I didn't know you were a musician, do you sing too?," Chiaki asked as she slightly helped Y/N stand up.

"Yeah, well I used to actually be in a group when I was living with my dad but that didn't go so well for me..." she trailed off, not making eye-contact with Chiaki. "But it's one of the only things that makes me happy so I wanted to see if I could maybe write some lyrics again but I'm completely stumped".

Chiaki stood their in awkward silence trying to find something encouraging to say, "I'm not very good at these types of things but there must be something you can get inspiration from...maybe a memory, a feeling...a person...?" she said trying her best to console Y/N.

Y/N sat there in thought, attempting to take Chiaki's advice and think of anything that would help her. Just before giving up, Y/N's phone began to ring. Y/N lazily got up and walked to her desk to grab her phone. Almost as quickly as she picked up the phone, she slammed it face down into her desk. 

"WHAT WHAT'S WRONG!?" Chiaki jumped as she waited for Y/N's response.

"It's my ex boyfriend" Y/N said rubbing her hand on her forehead in somewhat of a panic.

"This seems like something personal so I'll go ... have fun don't go too crazy!" Chiaki nervously said as she sprinted out the door.

Y/N grumbled, wishing Chiaki hadn't left so she'd have an excuse to leave the call early if things got too weird. She took a deep breath as she answered the call and sat on her bed. 

" Wow I didn't expect you to actually pick up," the infamous Atsumu answered.

Y/N took a big sigh, "Did you need something or?".

"I just," he paused for a moment, "I just wanted to say sorry. I know it's not going to be enough and you don't have to forgive me ever, but I feel like absolute shit for making you feel terrible...". Y/N stayed quiet, still debating if she should just hang up or not.  "I was just...so angry at the fact that you already moved on. Seeing you already close with Kageyama made me so fuckin jealous because I knew that I couldn't have that," he paused after dropping those heavy words and Y/N didn't even know how to respond to them. 

Atsumu took a deep sigh, "I love you Y/N, even if we are just friends. I just hope that one day you can give me another chance, even if it's just being friendly again. 

Y/N stayed silent for a couple seconds, "You're a real asshole you know?" Y/N chuckled sadly, "I'm supposed to be mad at you but your stupid speech is starting to make me change my mind," she said as she lied down on her bed. "I can't fully forgive you but I'm willing to take a chance on you if you can actually prove you've changed. For now, I'm willing to be somewhat friends with you but obviously don't push your luck".

Y/N could almost feel him smiling brightly from the other side of the line " You just made my day, thank you so, so much I won't fuck this up again," Atsumu beamed as he continued to smile.

"Well I have to go but we'll chat later, bye" she said as she hung up. Y/N looked down at her phone and lightly smiled before quickly rushing over to her desk. She quickly scribbled down a title that had just come to her, "Euphoric".

"This doesn't sound like a bad name..." she smiled.

Thanks for the inspo 'Tsumu 


After a week of refining, recording, and editing, Y/N finally finished her song. Along with Atsumu and Y/N talking frequently now, Y/N submitted her work to a somewhat well-known music company and awaited to hear the results. At the end of the week, Kiyoko, Yachi, Hinata, Noya, Tanaka, Kageyama, and Y/N all crowded around her phone, waiting for Y/N to see if her song was going to be accepted (she had only told them and the rest of the volleyball club about her new music). And finally, after an intense 20 minutes of waiting, she finally got the email and found out that they were more than ecstatic to sign her and get her song out.

Celebrations of course followed after they all went to Y/N's house but after they'd all left, she decided to call Atsumu and thank him for his indirect inspiration.

Y/N was glad they were becoming closer again.

Whether she'd admit it or not...

She was beginning to see him in a better light.



for real REAL this time lmao

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share w/ your friends :)))

For this story, just a heads up, I might use songs that technically are made by other artists but I'm too lazy to actually fully create songs so yeah.

Hopefully you all enjoyed and I hope to see ya soon!

Bye bye!

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