The crime scene

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(Minor mention of rape)
Ellie's POV

It wasn't long till me and the others arrived at the crime scene. The victim was a young female navy lieutenant, a couple years younger than me actually, called Sarah Renoylds. She was blonde and around my height. I got to work taking photos of the crime scene while Jimmy examined the body. Nick and McGee were talking to witnesses. Nick god he's so cute. I can imagine him being the best boyfriend he would be so -
"Bishop stop daydreaming and get to work." Gibbs said snapping me out of my daydream
"Right sorry boss" I replied getting back to work , as he walked off to go and talk to Palmer.
"What you got Palmer?" I heard him say
"Well time of death I'd say was between 2 and 3am this morning and judging by the mess of her hair and clothes I'd guess she was raped before she was killed by a stab wound straight through the heart" I heard Jimmy reply. My stomach turned over. Rape cases always hit close to home not only because I'm a female and the victim looks a lot like me because of ...well because of what happened.
"Gibbs here's something interesting" Jimmy said as he lifted up Sarah Renoylds uniform shirt "It looks like some sort of signature with a message for someone with a message that's been carved into the body. I'd say post mortom but we'll know more after autopsy."
Gibbs walked over and looked at the body " I agree Palmer good work. Bishop come over here and take a picture of this."
Damn I tried so hard not to be near the body cause I knew it would make me feel sick. Oh well you've just got to brace it bishop I said to myself as I walked over to the body.
General POV
The signature was engraved by the knife that was used to stab the victim.The signature was a heart with an arrow through it drawn very precisely. Underneath was a message that was also engraved. It read:   I'm back baby b x

Ellie's POV
As soon as I saw that mark I felt dizzy that was his signature  baby b was the name he called me he's back oh god he's going to finish me off now. He's going to kill me. And that's all I remember thinking before I started falling and all I saw was black.

Gibbs POV
I saw her drop. I saw her fall to the ground. I ran over to her and shouted McGee over .
'Bishop ,bishop you've got to answer me." I screamed "McGee call 911 now !"

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