Torres finds out

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(In this chapter ellie explains what happens so it does mention rape and mental health)

Nicks POV
I was confused the director just told us to follow him into his office then left Gibbs and McGee outside.
As I walked into his office I saw ellie sitting on the couch and she looked stressed and sad and it looked like she was about to cry. I walked over to her completely ignoring Grace whispering something to Vance.
"Hey b what's wrong are you okay is there anything you need me to do?" I asked her. There's nothing I wouldn't do for this girl so whatever she needed I'd do it
"Hey Nick I really need you to sit down and listen okay don't say anything don't try to hug me or anything till I've finished okay?" She said.
Okay I was really concerned now is this about when she fainted today or something else.
"Okay but ell why?"
"Just... just please just promise me" her voice was cracking and she had tears in her eyes it took all I could not to hug her right then and there.
"Okay I promise."
Ellie's POV
Okay he promised now all I need to do now is tell him. I'm so scared.
"Okay so..." I began "You already know that before I worked at NCIS I used to work at NSA and I used to work to determine threats in Afghanistan before I came back and worked in DC. Well 10 years ago before I went to Afghanistan I was assigned a task to review this serial killer and rapist that the media called the Cupid killer because on all of his victims he engraved a heart with an arrow through it. I was told to review the case and consult on it in the morning. He kept his victims for 3 months at a time and so far he had 12 victims so he'd  being do it for 3 years and the police and fbi had nothing. That night when I was leaving the NSA I realised that my boyfriend at the time who is now a son of a bitch might I add he took my car back to his place because his was getting repaired. So I had to walk home I only live a 30 min walk away where as his was an hour walk. As I was walking home I saw that this man was following me so I didn't go home because I didn't want him knowing where I lived so I went through a park and somehow ended up into the woods but I didn't know where I was and this man was still following me. I carried on wondering round for about 5 minutes before I felt someone jump on my back and made me fall forward to which I hit my head on a rock and got knocked out...." I was starting to cry by now this is really hard for me to say I've never spoke to someone about it like this except from Grace.

Nicks POV
Oh my god I feel so bad for ellie I could get a sense of what she was going to tell me.  I just want to wrap her up in my arms and tell her everything's okay. She told me not to touch her but that's really hard when she's breaking down I front of me with tears streaming down her face. I could feel my own eyes start to water up as I began to imagine what she went through. Poor ell
She continued "...out the next thing I remember is waking up naked chained to a bed while he was standing over me and he well I'm pretty sure you get the idea and he did this to me day in and day out. Only giving me just enough food and water to survive. I just thought that everyone had forgot about me. When I knew I was well I should say when I thought i was going to die was when he started to carve that mark into me he did the heart and before he did the arrow I head the FBI shouting to open the door. He ran off out a first floor window and into the woods they couldn't find him anywhere. When I got rescued as soon as I was stable and in the hospital the first people I saw where the FBI and I asked to talk to a female because I felt uncomfortable around men but they said no and made me explain what happened. He always wore a hood so I didn't see his face. But they kept asking me again and again until I had a seizure which they then didn't allow anyone else in except my mom. I was in the hospital for 5 months and for 3 of them I couldn't see any men because that would just make me worse so I couldn't see my dad or brothers or my at the time boyfriend I felt so bad but I couldn't handle it. What you saw at the crime scene was me having a flashback and just blanking out from the stress. The one thing I remember about him is that he always used to call me baby b. He obviously used to do his research before hand. And the signature engraved in the crime scene was his signature and underneath he said I'm back baby b and my brain just lost it. So that's why I'm funny about rape cases. Also one of the victims was a navy lieutenant so director Vance was part of the FBI task force that saved me so apart from him dr grace and the rest of the people on the task force no one else knows. I still need to tell Gibbs and McGee." She finished and burst into tears
God poor ell I feel so bad.
"Come here." I said with my outstretched arms. She fell into them and began to cry into my t-shirt.
"It was really bad Nick." She cried.
" I know ellie I know shhh it's okay I've got you, nothings going to happen to you."
I just let her sit there and cry and cry. Grace came and sat by me and told me what to do and to make sure I didn't touch her scar from when he drew the heart.

So I know that this chapter is so long winded but I wanted to fit it into one chapter. I'm not sure if all the details are right so let me know if they're not but the next few chapters will be the director telling the rest of the team and Gibbs and McGees reaction then it will be more of the story :)

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