She's awake

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(strong topics)

Bishops POV
"... you need to wake up okay. I - we need you to wake up we need to know that you're okay. Please b. I'm worried about you."
That was what I heard as I began to wake up it was his voice the most calming voice I know. The voice of Nicolas Torres/the best man on earth. God he's so sweet. For a second made the pain go away and lifted some of the weight off my shoulders , then reality came crushing down on me he's back and ready to finish what he started. I opened my eyes and gasped for air just to check that I was alive.
The first thing I saw was him. His worried face and his hand holding mine.
"Hey b you gave us all quite a scare then how you doing?" He asked in his calm and soothing voice you could tell he was trying not to panic.
"Urmm well I guess I'm okay" I replied not so sure how to say that a deranged psychopath and serial rapist and murderer was after me.

Nicks POV
I could tell she was not okay that something was bothering her but the paramedics had arrived so I didn't say anything. I was still holding her hand as they examined her.
"Okay agent bishop if you don't mind we're going to take you inside and check you out properly in there" one of the paramedics said.
"That's fine." She replied as she got up let go of my hand and walked into the ambulance.
"Does anyone have an idea of why she fainted?" I asked the team once she was gone
No one knew why. I knew she was not good at all with rape cases especially when the victim looks like her , but this one had really shook her up.

Bishops POV
"So agent bishop how do you feel" the paramedic asked
"I feel fine just a bit tired." I replied
"What about before you fainted?"
"Well I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and I also felt sick and dizzy." I was trying to be as honest as I could without giving anything away to say I was in a serious problem.
"Okay well it looks to be just stress so try and take this day easy and sleep is good and important so get loads of that tonight. Your alright to work but no field work and don't push the boundaries take it easy. You hear me?"
"Yeah I do thanks."
I walked out of the ambulance one over to Nick and McGee who were standing by the car while the paramedic went to tell Gibbs what he told me.

McGees POV
I'm glad to see that bishop is feeling better though she still looks like she's seen a ghost but at least she awake.
"So bishop are you okay and what did the paramedics say." I asked
"McGee I'm fine and the paramedics said no field work and to take it easy. They're speaking with Gibbs now" she replied nodding her head over to where Gibbs was who was now walking back to us and telling us to get in the cars.

The past was meant to stay in the past Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora