Kasies lab

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(Same as last chapters bishops story but from the director rape mentioned)

Directors POV (this is when Ellie is telling nick)
I asked Ducky , Jimmy and Kasie to gather in her lab so I could tell them about bishop. After 20 mins everyone was there and I could tell by the puzzled looks on their face that had no idea what was happening.
"Is this about what happened to Ellie this morning." Jimmy asked
"Yeah is she okay?" Kasie said
"Ahh yes poor Eleanor my dear I do hope she's okay." Ducky asked
I began my to explain what happened "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Now before you interrupt me let me finish and there can be questions at the end. So the reason agent bishop acted weird at the crime scene is because that signature is the signature of what the media called the Cupid killer. He would rape and tourtured his victims for 3 months then engrave a heart with an arrow through it before killed them with a stab wound through the heart and dumping the body's. Before agent bishop was sent to Afghanistan just 10 years ago when she was at the NSA she consulted on this case and one evening Jake (which is her ex-husband but then boyfriend Kasie in case you didn't know) his car was in repair so he took bishops car home because it was an hours walk to his and only 30 mins to hers. As she was walking home she was abducted by this man and she was raped and tortured for 3 months. After this and the death of a navy lieutenant a joint task force was created but this was a high ranked case so it was me and as Sant directors that were in it no agents. After months of working we found bishop just before he was going to kill her he had started to engrave the signature into her hip however he only got to the end of the heart before he heard us and ran off. The message that said I'm back baby b was what he used to call her and only the agents of the task force knew that. Two of them were fired because they put an insane amount of pressure on bishop to tell them everything that happened but they are monitored constantly so it wasn't them. He's back and he's ready to kill bishop. So any question?"

Jimmy's POV
Did I just hear that right Ellie oh my god poor Ellie I feel so bad for her. Why didn't she tell us. I thought I was everyone's favourite confidant well this is very very personal.
"Urmm is she okay?" I asked
"She's in a lot of shock but she with Torres now. Gibbs and McGee don't know yet she's telling them next so don't say anything to them clear?" Director replied
"Yes sir" Kasie said
"Right then I'll be back up to the office if you need anything. Work this case like any normal case but quick. For bishop"

Ducky's POV
"My my poor Eleanor I hope she'll get past this." I said. She's only young and she's had such a hard life. She's done so well to carry on.

Kasies POV
"She will I mean it's bishop she's a badass" I replied hoping to make me and everyone around feel better we all just sat down in shock imagining what she went through. We didn't say a word just say there.

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