Back to the bullpen

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Nicks POV
Me and Ellie got into the car with McGee and Gibbs got in one by himself. Jimmy had already started going back in the van with the body. McGee got in the front and I got in the back with bishop we followed Gibbs back to headquarters. McGee was in his own world so that gave me the opportunity to talk to Ellie.
"Hey b are you sure your okay?" I asked he calmly
"Yeah I'm fine nick I already said that." She answered
"Okay" I grabbed her hand "I'm always going to be here for you , you know that right."
"I know" she replied interlocking her fingers with mine.
I didn't want to let go she was so perfect.

Ellie's POV
We were holding hands. I'm not sure what brought this on and it was more of a friendship way like at the hospital more than a romantic way but still. My heart is beating so fast right now. 
20mins later
The time back to headquarters went quick especially because I was holding nicks hand and also because I knew I'd have to talk to the director and tell him. Which I was really not looking forward two.
As we drove into Ncis I let go of nicks hand and could immediately feel the cold and I longed for the warmth of his hand to be there again. Gibbs car was already there when we got there so when we walked into the bullpen I guessed he was with the director. Nothing that happened is on my record that people can see. It needs top level clearance to see and read. I saw Gibbs coming down the stairs with the director close behind. This was the part I was dreading talking to him.
"Agent bishop I believe we need to talk about this situation that we have. I understand that we have gotten ourselves into a bit of a.. well yeah you understand don't you." Director Vance said
"Yeah I know I'll be right up let me put my bag down and gun away and I'll be right there."
"We need to wait for someone anyway so take your time."
"Who do we need to wait for-." Then I saw her walk in " never mind. Nice to see you Grace how you doing?"
"Hey Ellie I'm fine thanks." She replied before nodding slightly at Gibbs getting in return the same sort of nod followed by " Grace. What you doing here?"
"Client patient confidentiality Gibbs. Couldn't tell you even if I wanted to"
"Right shall we go upstairs" The director said. Me and Grace followed him up and when Gibbs tried to he said "You lot need to stay here including you Gibbs you haven't been approved to here this yet."
When I saw Gibbs face he did not look happy that he was being left out of the conversation and I had a feeling he expected me to tell him what we talked about. I was scared about this conversation very scared.

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