The directors office

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So I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I haven't been in the best of places and haven't really had motivation but I'm back I think and I'll finish the story ASAP and hopefully before I go back to in person school. Also I logged out of my Instagram account and like an idiot I forgot my password so I can't get back into my account. So I can't post on there sorry :(

One more thing I'm going to post a lot of the parts now as to not keep you guys waiting for too long. :)

Vance's POV
I had a feeling that as soon as Gibbs called and said bishop fainted that this was going to happen. I feel sorry for her it was 10 years ago she's only just got over it. I walked into my office and was followed by dr Grace and bishop who shut the door behind her. I walked over to the arm chair and gestured for both of them to come and sit on the couch.
"So agent bishop lets skip all the boring bits. I am aware the paramedics told you that you couldn't work in the field but if he is back then your going to want to work the case am I correct?" I asked
"Yes director I would like to work the case fully and if we find him bring him in myself. I'd be more stressed if I couldn't do anything or not work to my full potential." She replied
"I suspected that you were going to say that so you can work the case like any other I will allow you to go into the field if you and Dr Grace thinks that it's necessary. I would also like Dr Grace to stay with you at all times while your in the office just in case you faint or have a panic attack or something like that. If that's okay with her that is."
"Yeah Leon that's fine." Grace said
"Right now that's good we've got to tell your team."

Ellie's POV
I knew that I was going to have to tell them at some point, that doesn't mean I want to I don't want to be viewed as some weak as girl because of what happened. I worked so hard to show that I'm not a dumb blonde but some9me who can stand her own and I don't want people to think of me any different.
"Yeah I know." I said
"So do you want me to tell them or Grace or you?" The director asked
"Urmm" I knew it would be best if I told them myself " can I tell them by myself but one by one so that it gives them and me time to take it in."
"Do you think that's alright Grace?" He asked
"Yeah I think it's fine actually better that way." Grace said " After if you don't mind I'd like to talk to you Ellie just to see where your heads at is that okay."
"Yeah that's fine Grace I don't mind."
"Right I'll go and fetch them up who do you want to come in first bishop?" Vance said
"Urmm can Torres come in first" I trust nick a lot so I think it'll be helpful if I tell him first.
"Yeah sure thing I'll go get them all and Gibbs and McGee can wait outside."

Ellie's POV
"I'm so scared to tell them what if they think I'm weak or not good enough to be an agent anymore" I shouted out loud hoping that Grace could talk some sense into me and calm me down.
"Okay okay Ellie you need to breathe how long have you know the people you work with" she replied calmly
"Urmm Gibbs and McGee and Jimmy and ducky nearly 8 and Torres 4 and Kasie 2"
"So a long time then"
"Yeah I guess"
"Okay so while you tell your team I'll get the director to tell ducky Jimmy and kasie so you don't have to tell everyone okay."
"Yeah okay I think they're coming up here goes nothing"
I took a deep breath and...

Vance's POV (this is while Ellie is talking to Grace)
I walked down the stairs and saw the look on Gibbs face he looked annoyed that he didn't know what was going on and as soon as he saw me he said "Leon would you like to tell me what's going on and where my agent is"
"Okay first of all Gibbs calm down agent bishop is upstairs in my office. Agent mcgee Torres and Gibbs follow me please" I said
"What's going on?" I heard Torres say
"Not to sure"McGee replied
"I'd sure like to know though" Gibbs said
We reached my office door.
"Gibbs and McGee can you wait out here for a moment. Torres come with me.
"Leon what is going on where are you going with my team." Gibbs said
"Gibbs look you've got to calm down she's already stressed as it is and she doesn't need you shouting okay" I answered taking Torres into my office.
Grace came up to me and asked me to get Jimmy ducky and kasie and tell them so I went to do that while bishop was telling Torres.

This chapter was really long so I had to split it into 2 parts I was originally going to have ellie telling them in this part but it's very long I split it

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