School rant

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So.....I was gonna make this as an announcement but Wattpad saids that it's too long and I can't post it so...yeah I decided to make a book to post this rant...because if I don't, then my brain wouldn't let me be silent-
Anyway this is it:

I can't let it out here in my house so...i'm doing it here....

I'm really pissed and stressed right now.... POLYNOMIAL WHATTTTTT
I don't understand a thing, even tho the teacher already explained it...the worst part is its a self-learning we only have to read..

And what may I ask do I need polynomial for in my life?

All I know is I won't be an Engineer... Engineer is cool and all but I don't think that's for me....

can high school just had an option like in Hogwarts where they let students choose what to learn and what classes to attend for their future jobs? To really get us ready for our future? will be much easier for some of us....and like some teachers said, "school is getting us ready for our future"...

Like what some school said "Each one of us are unique and different"
Yeah like you said we're different, that's mean we have different interest, different dream jobs, different wants in the future, then why is the school system teaching us all the same things, not to mention some things that we learned from school is gonna be useless in some of our future.

I freaking naturally sucks at math (even tho I get a tutor or watch tutorials it just never works...) and a slow yeah...My head hurts (╥﹏╥)

Life really hates me ;-;

Both my family are freaking good at hard subjects like Math, Science, English and there's me ' _ '

If only my parents aren't strict and wouldn't see my score I freaking wouldn't care at this paper-



Ok but I'm literally thankful because of school, because of what I learned but sometimes it's know...

"If a single teacher cannot teach all of the subjects, then how can a single student learn all of the subjects?"

I'm not blaming the teachers but, the problem is THE SCHOOL SYSTEM

Can someone please make a simple step to change it? Like some people already point out how wrong the school system is today....

Anyway this is a lot-

I shouldn't rant here-

OMG MY FATHER SAW ME WRITING THIS AND I IMMEDIATELY CLICK HOME (I was holding my math module) good thing he only thought I was using calculator (his sight are kinda blurry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) because if he sees this, and find out its Wattpad (kinda have a personal issues before that my mom end up hating this app)...and my mom finds out.....I'M DEAD-


Yeah that's basically all my rant and I don't want to rant here-

So me a rebel-wanna-be or tell me its just because of the damn phone, but this is my opinion and nothing's gonna change my

(P.S. I would be gladly learn if it's Hogwarts classes-)

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