ah shi-

10 2 14

I'm literally scared right now...
(My mom told me this)
A lot of students here in my country killed themselves because of the stress and pressured they felt because of school....AND DON'T YOU BLAME THE PHONE SCHOOL YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF "PREPARING US FOR THE FUTURE"-

Scholl don't know what it's causing us students shiz.

So yeah imma take a break and let out all my thoughts here because I don't want my brain to go to THAT pitch black side.

I don't want to leave my friends, best friends and fandom.

Funny thing...one of my classmate post a joke about what to finish first
Math module, science module or her life-
And my mom saw it and was like:
"Don't joke about it, its bad"
My classmate just said "sorry Po" something like that

Then there you have me.....my nickname...and my jokes...(Dead but inside, dead inside) well more things to hide-

I know I shouldn't joke about it, I'm sorry ;-;

Don't worry I'm not killing or hurting myself, I have so much to live for dude.

But if you are experiencing it like really, please don't kill yourself, you have so much to live for, there's many people who can help you, just think of what you haven't done yet and those who will be hurt when you goes away. Everything will be alright at the end.

(I just found this:
80 years later you will be thinking back and gonna be happy because you didn't choose to leave

Ok scratch it I only have 5 hours...because I need a minute break and a snack because I'm hungry....

You can't think when you're hungry and stressed

And I need a break from this stressed and pressures...so...yeah...


Btw I snapped lmao-

I'm literally being dramatic right now shi-

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