Rant aka explaining my point of view

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Ok this might been my longest rant yet...but....we have a activity on this specific subject and...I can't help but rant because it's about roles of a specific gender

I can't help but rant because it's about roles of a specific gender

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So yeah that's what it is...and...of course being me....I put all of these said roles in both...so it's supposed to be like this:

And I'm just likeHELL NAW-So yeah the explanation I wrote here, why I put all of these said roles in both is not asked but

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And I'm just like
So yeah the explanation I wrote here, why I put all of these said roles in both is not asked but...

I want to prove my point

and explain why I put all of these said roles in both...just in case...so right now it's written in my notebook and I'm just retyping it here lol

If you're gonna ask why am I putting it here?

Well let's just say..sadly teachers will only care if the STUDENT'S ANSWERS IS RIGHT

And I just want to rant because this subject piss me off right now, because it's being sexisms without it knowing...

and I hate how at this point they didn't know that they're making the other students sexisms

(Like this said activity)

Also just a thought or fact
"I used "Yes" in here (I don't actually use it that much mostly "Yeah, yep and yea") it means I'm not joking around...


So yeah let's begin....

Teacher, you may be asking why I put all of these things/these roles in both (Male and Female).

Well simple,

"Back out of a fight"

Not all guys wants and is looking for a fight, and not all girls back out of a fight.

"Plays with doll"

Girls are not the only ones who plays with doll, some guys too (if they choose and want to) and definitely not all girls play with dolls.

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