yup still here RANT

12 1 20

I did the the raven method and wake up in this reality....
I even fixed my bed just so I could do the position right-

Ok so what is the rant?

It's weekend here and there supposed to be NO school
But guess what?
My teacher gave us something to do today....
And the deadline is fricking today.... 5 pm...
Sounds like we still have class today the fawk-

If only I could say
"Isn't it weekend today? Aren't today supposed to be US children resting? There aren't supposed to have school today? Why are you giving us work? Aren't you supposed to go give it in the day of school? And besides we still have things to do"

If only these teachers/school won't call my mom, bend the truth and say I'm being disrespectful and say I didn't do my work

I wouldn't have given a shi-

Yeah fawk

One more reason I want to go away this reality...

Yeah I'm trying this noon with subliminal....because at night my mom get our phones so my phone and I could only last 9 pm...so I can't really listen to subliminal...but yeah I'M TRYING TODAY


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