
9 3 5

So literally we're gonna write our answers in every module of subjects in another paper....we're gonna...transfer/write...our answers....in...every...subjects....which is basically a lot....and the activities in module are a lot....and we still have to copy a lot of shiz in this pathetic module....and tommorow 9 am is the dead line of submission....it's already 4 pm here......and I could only stay up late 9 pm because I'm dead to my parents (even tho they don't want me to fail like lemme suffer if you want me to get the grades you expect me to have sometimes I don't understand you-)
if I pulled a all nighter.....I have 6 hours to do it.....i don't think that's enough time....you really like to see us suffer...why did you you tell us the last day and last time.......why? JUST WHY-

Great going school!

You're no help-

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