so literally

17 2 6

So literally:

My Math teacher finally clear to us how to factor polynomials and spend most of our time classes explaining it: "If you can do it you can answer the module!" ( ╹▽╹ )

Me finally understanding it a little bit and relaxing cause I can maybe pass the module:
"Oh finally! I hope this would be easy-"

The module:
"Do yOu kNoW tHeRe aRe a LoT oF tEcHniQuEs iN soLvIng WoRlD pRobLeMs?!? OnE iS wHich bY uSiNg CubEs-"

"dO yOu kNoW ThAt pUzZlEs cAn DevEloP YouR pRoBlEm SolVing-"

"LeT's sOlVe tHe fActOr pUzZle bElOw tO hElp YoU dEvElOp thEsE! EnJoy-"

"SoLvE eAcH pRoBlEm tO dEcOde ThE mEsSaGe-"

"The f-"

So to put it simply...:

I don't know if I'm gonna do this module right-

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