Hi I'm Natalie

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Hi im natalie, im 17 and live with my dad and step mum since my actual mum decided to leave us all when i was 9, so your proberly thinking what makes me so special for jeremy to even notice me, well i may aswell tell you the whole story from when my mum left.

-------- flashback-------------

"mummy no dont go,it will be fine i wont tell anyone, you cant go please we all need you to stay" i was pleading with my mum begging for her to stay. i had just found out that she had been having an affair with one guy from cornwall and she was angry that i had been looking through her things but it didnt bother me.

"i cant stay not now that you know about him, im sorry but im going tomorrow and im taking your brothers with me" she couldnt have sounded less heartless even if she tried.

with that she just walked into the living room as if nothing had happened and sat next to my dad and started cuddling up to him, i felt my blood boil inside me of course i didnt know what was happeneing to me. "mummy is seeing another man dad i saw it all, i couldnt not say anything and shes planning on going to cornwall tomorrow with kieron,cameron and darren." i felt tears build up in my eyes at the though of losing my little brothers.

--------------------- end of flashback-----------------------

so from that moment onwards everything changed, i was blamed for my mum leaving and losing my little brothers, id wake up in the morning and have to put make up on everyday from the age of 10 just to cover up the bruses that i had gotten whenever i mentioned about my brothers. well im 17 now and its still the same exept that my step mum joins in now. so my day is wake up, get ready for college and walk to the nearest cafe and eat there. the cafe i always went to was a small yet cosy atmosphire from the moment you walked through the doors.

"NAT!!!" i knew who had seen me,just like every morning, Fern ran up and hugged me. Fern had long brown hair, snake bites and was the best mate anyone could ask for, sadly she left college the day i started and she got a job in the cafe.

"usual please ferny" i hadnt even sat down and she was already coming over with my hot chocolate with extra cream and sprinkles.

"how much do you sing?" fern asked which was a really stupid question as i was doing a music course in college

"really? did you just ask me that?" you could tell the huge amount of sarcasm in my voice

" well sam isnt able to get here tonight and we need entertainment and yeah well your on the same course as him and he told me your really good at singing so i was wondering if you coud save my ass and sing here tonight?"

" ermm ok well i need to practise....." i didnt even have time to finish my sentence before fern was on the phone to my personal tutor saying i couldnt get in today. wow she really is like the sister i never had


sorry first update, hope your liked this chapter, if you dont know who jeremy 13th is well he is a lead singer in a band called snow white's poison bite



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